Page 18 of Liberating Mallory
“First of all, dumbass, if I have the energy to fix you a damn sandwich after you give me the dick, then said dick isn’t worth the hassle of fixing said damn sandwich. If I’m gonna lay down and spread my legs, that dick better wear me the fuck out to the point I’m sucking my thumb and going to sleep after I say, ‘thank you for the dick, sir’. A real man knows that while he may be the alpha, he also knows when his woman brings certain things to the table, besides carrying his seed and fixing his food. A real man walks and works besides his woman, and only stands in front of her when there’s danger. Not dictating to her, and we ain’t talking about the dick’tating’.” Pratt fired back, glaring at Rodney.
“After that moronic statement from you, dipshit, you’re staying in those restraints for your safety because if we let you lose, there are four women that will beat your ass with one hand tied behind their backs.” Brody announced, shaking his head at Rodney.
“Ya know…” Diesel said, walking around Rodney, staring at his body, which had been stripped naked before they hung him on a hook that was hanging from the ceiling, plastic tarp on the walls and the floor, covering the furniture and surrounding area of where they had Rodney.
“With you, there’s no telling.” York said before Diesel could finish her sentence.
“I was just thinking, if we hung the dumbass upside down by his feet…well it would also with Carter, Highlander, Brody or Ian too…their dicks flopping down with their balls, it would look like Gonzo from the Muppets was in the room.” Diesel announced to the room, looking from Rodney to Carter then to Brody, tilting her head from one side to the other as she looked them all up and down.
There was silence in the room until a couple of people coughed, seeing the look on Carter and Brody’s face. It took several minutes before anyone could respond with a straight face.
Looking between Rodney, Carter then Brody, Pratt looked back at Diesel, hands on her hips. “How the fuck do you figure that?”
“Hell, forget that…I want to see the crazy bitch attempt to get Highlander, Carter, Ian, and Brody to hang upside down buck ass naked. We all know those men would literally tie her ass up and proceed with the ass whipping of the century, for everyone to see.” York answered, crossing her arms across her chest amused at the conversation.
“I’d pay to see her try that with Ian!” Carter said, amusement in his voice as he and Brody chuckled at the image brought forth by his comment.
“Carter, Ian would have yours and Brody’s balls chopped off with a rusty butter knife and then shove said Gonzo beak dick up your asses.” Pratt laughed, rubbing her baby belly as she said down in a chair nearby.
“He can try.” Carter and Brody said at the same time.
“Freaking Penis! I was just saying…that’s what theirs would look like. This asshat currently hanging on the hook, there’s a hole where his dickie doo should be. He’s only got the balls for the eyes, no dick.” Diesel grumbled, pushing Rodney slightly so his body swung on the hook.
“So, you’re basically saying he’s Gonzoless since his pecker has shriveled up and hidden from society.” Jordyn surmised causing everyone to laugh.
“Fuck you!” Rodney screamed at the women.
“Nah, I don’t eat tacos. I prefer sausages.” Diesel fired back. “Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against men or women who bat for the same team, it’s just not me. I prefer men.”
“Probably couldn’t…”
Rodney never got to finish what he was saying before Carter stepped into his view. “I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you. It would make what’s about to go down a lot worse for you.”
“I’m not afraid of you. You don’t know who the hell you’re fucking with!”
“Why don’t you educate us then if we’re so clueless.” York answered, stepping up beside Carter.
“Let’s see. We have Rodney Greenly, cousin of Darrel Greenly, who’s in jail for several counts of robbing a bank, kidnapping, two counts of homicide, attempted rape, attempted homicide, and a slew of other charges. Rodney here is twenty-eight, no high school diploma or GED, can’t get a real job. Probably still a virgin unless he’s paid for that card to be taken…”
“Fuck you bitch! I’ve had more pussy than you’ve had dick. Probably had to lie to get knocked up with the bastard you have growing in that ugly ass belly of yours.” Rodney spat at Pratt, glaring hatefully her way.
Pratt rolled her eyes at Rodney just as he started grunting from the blows that came his way.
“Where’s Mallory?” Carter demanded, staring Rodney down.
The interrogation took several hours. Rodney, they had to admit was a hard nut to crack, but not that hard. He started singing like a canary in heat after fifteen minutes.
“So, let me see if I understand this correctly, Kevin, being the pussy that he is, whined to his roommate and the roommate’s friend, Hussein about the Greenly situation ruining his relationship. He goes to visit the man he claims ruined his relationship, and somehow strikes up a friendship with the idiot. Goes off halfcocked when he finds out where she is and that she’s got a new man who she’s giving the goods up to?” Diesel asked, looking around the room at everyone there.
Shortly after the ‘party’ started, Raso, Rameriez, Cortez, Knight, Abbott, Opie and Sgt. Brocard showed up. They sat around with the others while Diesel, Brody, Carter and Jordyn did their thing with Rodney to get answers.
“Kevin made a great patsy with everything. Greenly blames Mallory for what’s happened to his family and him. Kevin is angry with Mallory for ending their relationship, joining the Marines. He thought they were going to the next level, but Mallory wasn’t able to take that step, so she left home and joined the military. She met Opie and now they have a relationship. A relationship that Kevin feels should have been his, but he couldn’t support her dreams.” Pratt summarized the situation for everyone the best way she knew how.
“I can understand all that. But it doesn’t explain why Mallory is missing and why these guys names keep coming up.” Sgt. Brocard stated, looking around the room at everyone.
“Revenge. Plain and simple.” York answered, looking at her Sgt. “They blame Mallory for all their issues in life. So, they feel they need to take it out on her, get payback. Kevin probably has it in his head that with these guys involved, he can be the white knight and keep her safe and that when all is said and done, she’ll take him back.”
“She won’t. We all know that. The one thing Rodney couldn’t tell us, where they are keeping her, and I think that’s on Hussein’s part. He doesn’t trust Rodney or Bo. I wouldn’t be surprised with the backing Hussein has, if those two don’t get taken out eventually…” Raso stated, scratching her head as she watching Rodney swinging on the hook.