Page 26 of Liberating Mallory
“Well, I’m sure when you smile, that makes girls fall at your feet so it’s easier for you to kidnap them and sell them. I wasn’t an easy mark which is why you’ve had me chained to the room for several days. So why haven’t I been moved yet?” Mallory demanded to know, glaring at the man.
The man laughed, rubbing his chin as he studied Mallory for a few moments. “You are very smart, Miss Mallory. I have been very rude, let me introduce myself. I am Jeffe Hussein. I’m an ‘elite’ enforcer for the cartel. You see, several months ago, your Marine boyfriend and his team raided our compound in Chihuahua, Mexico…”
Mallory fought with everything she had not to give her surprise away. “I have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Jeffe stood up slowly, unbuttoning his jacket, taking it off. He folded the jacket and laid it on the back of his chair before moving the chair away from the table. Mallory didn’t see the fist coming until it had connected with her cheek bone.
“I’m usually a nice man, Miss Mallory. Until you lie to me, that is. Once you lie, all bets are off. The gloves tend to come off, as you Americans like to say. Now, I will ask you again, where is your Marine boyfriend?”
“Look, I don’t know what your spy told you, Jeffe, but they lied to you. I don’t have a boyfriend. I like to fuck when I’m stressed with work. So, you’re going to have to be a little more specific since I have several, I like to screw around with from time to time.”
Mallory spit blood out at Jeffe’s feet, smirking up at him when he glared at her, flexing his fist. Mallory tilted her head from side to side, as if cracking the joints in her neck from the explosion she felt at the hit.
“So, you’re saying Kevin McCarthy lied to the cartel, stating you have a Marine boyfriend.” Jeffe asked, his eyes going cold as his words became menacing.
“Look, Kevin is an ex who never accepted the fact we were over. I went out with friends, and he showed up out of the blue at the bar. One of the guys claimed that he was my boyfriend to get Kevin to leave without causing a scene, since simply telling Kevin we are over and to cease all contact doesn’t seem to get through to his skull. What the hell does the cartel care about my dating life any fucking way? I don’t work for them, nor have I dealt with any of their fucking people!” Mallory glared back, tired of the games.
It took everything in Mallory not to squirm or look away under Jeffe’s glare. She continued to stare back, even lifting her head higher as if it was on a dare.
“Where’s the USB drive your boytoy stole from my employer’s office when they attacked them?”
“Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Mallory huffed out, continuing to stare Jeffe down.
“Let me refresh your memory then.”
Taz came rushing into the conference room they were using, startling everyone with her frantic movements. They watched as she moved papers around as if she was looking for something. She exchanged a few questions with whoever she was on the phone with then hung up.
“We have a serious issue.” Taz informed the group before writing something on a piece of paper and handing it over to Brody who looked up in shock.
Brody passed the note to Carter without saying a word before he started packing his stuff up. Both men nodded as Carter passed the note to Jordyn, before long, everyone was packed up and out of the conference room door. When they returned to the hotel, Brody made some calls before everyone packed up from there and headed to the safe house that was procured.
“How many bugs did ye find?” Highlander asked Carter and Brody when everyone was settled in the living room.
“Several. They were all found in the rooms occupied by Alpha Squad as well as one in Opie’s room.” Brody announced to everyone.
“Shit!” Pratt yelled out, jumping up from her seat, pacing around the room. “No way to know how long those fuckers have been in there.”
“Well, I’m sure you and the Scottish hunk over there gave them an audio show with the way you two fuck like rabbits when you’re together. Hence why you’re knocked up…again!” Diesel quipped, plopping a sucker in her mouth, smirking at Pratt who flipped her off.
Sgt. Brocard walked into the room. “The Sheriff is on his way here. He’s got Mallory’s dad hanging back some ways to make sure he isn’t being followed here. Knight, I need you, Abbott, and both MacLeod men to canvas the area once they get here to double check to make sure they weren’t followed. You four are unknowns to people watching us in this case. Let’s keep it that way.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Knight nodded at Sgt. Brocard as he got up to go get ready.
“Marcus, you stated that a few of your teammates are coming into town to help with the search for Mallory?” Carter, asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Aye, Jep, our team leader, Tuck and Canada. Sling and Don are still on the injured list for another two weeks, so they are grounded due to dr. visits to clear them until then.”
“When they get in, we’ll add them to the rotation of guard duty around the house.”
Marcus nodded at Carter before he turned to kiss Raso before joining his brother. Highlander did the same with Pratt before both men and Abbott walked out the door to canvas the area.
“Sorry, your wife isn’t here Batman.” Brody quipped as he blew Knight a kiss, causing everyone to chuckle as Knight flipped Brody off before heading out of the door behind the other three.
“Na na na na Batman!” Diesel sang as she looked through some reports in her hands. “Batman and Robin sitting in a tree…”
Pratt threw a balled-up piece of paper at Brody when he laughed at Diesel singing batman jokes, oblivious to those around her groaning.