Page 28 of Liberating Mallory
“True, but smaller towns would be easier to control. Stay off the radar, take over the city council but let the actual person think they are in control.” York reminded Diesel.
“York’s right. We’ve seen it time and time again with biker gangs. Some good and some bad. Especially if said area has a lot of open spaces that they can create a makeshift landing and takeoff for small engine planes.” Raso concluded, agreeing with York’s train of thought.
“Colona, Colorado.” Pratt announced without looking up from what she was reading. “Brody, I need you to look up something for me. Colona was for sale earlier in the year for seven million dollars, which includes the houses, and everything in the town. What’s to say Sinaloa didn’t purchase the town and made it their bitch?”
“Son of a bitch! She’s right!” Charles Hart muttered to Sheriff Collins. “The newspaper covered that story back in March of this year.”
Sheriff Collins placed his hat back on his head. “If that’s true, we’ll have one hell of a problem then. State and federal are going to have to get involved on this one.”
Marcus walked into the house with Knight and Highlander behind him, along with three new faces. “Three new faces to help with everything has arrived.” Marcus announced with a smile.
Marcus introduced everyone to the three men who had just joined them, before glaring at them, they hugged his wife and kissed her cheek to his brother’s amusement, that was until they did the same to Pratt and then caused Marcus to laugh when his brother growled and stalked toward his wife to remove her from Canada’s embrace.
“Spoilsport” Montrel ‘Canada’ Clinkscales laughed as he winked at Pratt and Raso.
“Find ye own lass and leave mine alone, ye arse.” Highlander muttered, his arm around his wife’s shoulder and his other on her protruding belly.
“Geez dude pee on her while you’re at it! Dayum!” Diesel griped, shaking her head.
“Bitch, shut up!” Pratt leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder, petting his chest.
“These arses do it on purpose because they like to see if they can take another man’s wife with their muscles, tight abs and arses. This is a game for them.” Marcus told Diesel glaring at Canada.
“Can you ladies remind your husband’s what they look like without clothes on?” Tucker ‘Tuck’ Harmon asked Pratt and Raso, winking at them. “I think we hurt their egos.”
“Um Tuck, wasn’t it you that got shot down on the beach last week by that chick in the barely there bikini?” Raso questioned, smirking at the men. “I have the video to prove it too, if you need a refresher on that situation.”
“I need popcorn if we’re going to watch that again. It’s a classic.” Pratt smirked back at Tuck, high-fiving Raso from her husband’s arms.
“They have you boys there. They are good for the soul when we need to be reminded that we aren’t all that.” Jepson ‘Jep’ Sharpe laughed as he winked at both ladies since the men weren’t releasing them for a hug. “So, what have we missed?”
“Red on the head is right. Back in March, confirming Mr. Hart’s statement, Colona, Colorado was up for sale for proximately six point six million dollars. It included 38 acres of land, nine rental properties, twelve residential lots, a closed down post office and stockyards pavilion, according to the article I found.”
“What the hell is a stockyard pavilion?” Canada asked, looking around the room in confusion at the word.
York, Pratt, Raso and Taz burst into laughter. “Well, we know for a fact Canada is strictly a city boy and would never last in the country for more than a few days without getting shot.” Raso laughed, patting her husband on the chest.
“It’s a place where livestock auctions can be held for farmers and ranchers.” Pratt chuckled, rubbing her belly, laying her head back on her husband’s shoulder.
“Yet, also a damn good place to hold meetings and even human trafficking auctions too. If they keep it as a livestock option, no one would be the wiser.” York pointed out to her teammates and everyone else in the room.
“Can you see who, if, anyone purchased the town?” Pratt asked Brody, lifting her head up to look over at him.
“Yeah, records show a Frank Krieger…”
“I’m sorry what was that name again?” Diesel asked, shock in her voice, her face going pale.
“Diez, what’s wrong?” Pratt asked, pulling herself away from her husband and walking towards Diesel.
“Nothing. I think I ate something bad last night.” Diesel mumbled, not looking at anyone.
Pratt looked over at Raso for a few moments before looking at her other teammates.
Diesel never talked about her past. They never pushed. Once a year, same time, every year, Diesel went into a depressive state. She would take a week off and drink herself silly. One of the team would stay with her, keep an eye on her, open their doors if she showed up on the doorstep, give her a spare room or the couch, which ever she landed on first. They would follow her to the bars and keep an eye on her as she drank herself silly. Diesel was family, they didn’t know what her demons were, but no matter what, she was theirs and they would go through the fires of hell with her and fight Satan himself for their teammate.
“Is there a residence on file for this Kreiger?” Diesel grounded out, ignoring the stares from her teammates.