Page 5 of Liberating Mallory
“Hello Red. You have that baby yet?”
“Hello to you too, Ian. Nope, no baby yet. Got another couple of weeks. How are things with you and the family?”
“Good. Now, cut the bullshit and tell me what’s on your mind?” Ian Sawyer asked, hearing the tension in her voice.
Pratt laughed at Ian’s directness. One of the things she’s always admired about him since having met him. “Mallory Hart. I understand you and your boys rescued her a few years ago.”
“Yeah. I last spoke with her a month ago I believe. Why are you asking about her?”
Pratt sighed deeply before continuing the conversation. “She’s missing.”
“What the hell? Talk to me!” Ian demanded. Pratt could hear him moving around through the phone, fingers snapping to get someone’s attention.
“She joined the Corps as you know. She’s been dating a family friend, Russell Adamson. He received a phone call from her mother, frantic, when they couldn’t locate her. Her father informed Russell, whom we call Opie, that she and her mother got into an argument, she had left but never returned home. Her truck was also found on the side of the road, but no Mallory. Can you fill me in on the kidnapping that you and your guys saved her on?” Pratt asked, reading over her notes she had so far.
“Shit! I’ll reach out to Sheriff Collins. He’s an acquaintance. See if he needs any assistance. Not much to tell about that incident really. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Crossed paths with the bad guys, managed to escape, ran into my guys, the Omega team, while they were doing their final test before becoming official Trident Security guys, they saved the day.”
“From what the sheriff and the dad have said, your boys killed the pops, and two of the sons, snagged the third who is serving a life sentence.” Pratt said, getting confirmation from Ian.
“Yeah, a Darrell Greenly. A real piece of work, that one. Why? Think he has something to do with this? By the way, putting you on speaker phone. I have both my Alpha Team and my Omega Team here in the room with me now.”
“Hello everyone! To answer your question, Ian, I wouldn’t put it past him from what little I’ve heard about him. We’re sending Diesel and York to the prison to check on him after we check into our hotel. See who’s dumb enough to go visit the punk ass, put money on his books or who he’s sold ass to so he’s safe on the inside.” Pratt informed everyone that was listening in.
“Sold ass to?” A female voice asked in confusion.
“Yep. In prison, hell even in regular jail awaiting trial, if you’re not associated with a gang or a specific group, or you have something to barter with, especially commissary, you basically sell yourself for protection. The only other way he’s gonna get it, killing someone to show he needs to be left alone.” Pratt informed the group on the other end of the line.
“Damn, never thought of it that way. Guess you boys better not wind up in jail, or you’ll be selling ass, although I hear Shades has a pretty mouth!” A male voice commented, causing a few snickers and groans through the line.
“Fucking twatwaffles! Knock it off!” Ian mumbled through the phone.
“Gotta work on the twat names there, bossman!” Pratt cracked, causing a few more laughs.
“I’ll find one for you too, Red.”
“Nah, I have my own twat thank you very much! My husband likes it enough, I’m good. Strictly dickly big man!” Pratt smirked into the phone.
“Smart ass!”
“I might be able to save you girls a trip to the prison. Give me a moment…” Brody Evans said above the sounds of clicks and clacks through the phone line being heard.
“I was going to have them meet Darrell to get their own bead on the guy.” Sgt Brocard informed the men.
“He’s got a huge problem with women, especially women in uniform. Women are only to be used and abused. They were planning on raping Mallory and then killing her before she managed to escape. She escaped with the help of one of the brothers, I think his name was Billy Ray, or Bobby Ray. Something like that.” Lindsey ‘Costello’ Abbott informed the women.
“Explains why she takes self-defense as seriously as she does.” Tarilyn ‘Taz’ Cortez surmised from the back seat, going over her own notes.
“Got it! So, it does look like he’s getting money put on his books. He has weekly visits from a Boswell Jenkins and a Kevin McCarthy. Why does that last name sound familiar?” Brody questioned out loud.
“Mother fucker! Kevin McCarthy was the guy she was dating at the time she was kidnapped by the Greenly’s. He was there at the airport when we got her back. She broke up with him a few months later when she joined the Marine Corps.” Darius ‘Batman’ Knight exploded through the phone.
“I never did like him. He seemed kind of slimy when I met him that day.” Ian agreed with Darius.
“I remember her talking about him. Said that he believed a woman’s place was in the home, taking care of the man. Not out doing a man’s job. Kept pressuring her for sex and accusing her of being a prudish tease when she wouldn’t put out. I think Opie had mentioned she’d been receiving a few nasty grams in the beginning of their relationship when this Kevin guy found out she was dating someone new.” Pratt remembered, looking over at Sgt. Brocard.
“Brody, can you see where this Kevin douche lives? I take it he still lives here in Colorado?”
“Yep, sending you guys the information now.” Brody said, clacking away again on the computer.