Page 12 of Gypsy Angel
Diesel woke up the next morning and just wanted to pull the cover back over her head and forget last night. She didn’t know how she was going to get through the day. Today was supposed to be her ‘wedding day’. Something she never truly dreamed about growing up. All she wanted to do was finish high school, go to the college of her dream and break away from her family.
Deciding that no matter what she did, she was truly fucked, lube not included, she went into the kitchen to start her morning coffee. Once she had gotten that started, she headed back into her room and into the bathroom to get a shower. She needed to get her head cleared and ready to handle everything. The team, her captain, even the fucking sheriff was coming. Viper and his friends would all be meeting up at the courthouse for their impromptu wedding. She had a feeling some of her teammates would show up here at the house this morning to help her get ready.
Once Diesel got done with her shower, she put her hair up in a towel, put her moisturizer on her face, and went back into the kitchen and made her a cup of coffee. She had just put the toast in the toaster when the knock came on her door. As she had predicted, Pratt, Raso, York, Sgt. Brocard and Rameriez all stood on her doorstep.
“Where’s Cortez?” Diesel asked as she answered the door.
“She’s with Joe on base meeting up with Oz. Some stuff came through. Marcus went with them.” Pratt answered before turning around and waiving at a truck that was parked near the curb on her street.
“Who’s that?” Diesel asked, trying to look into the vehicle.
Pratt sighed as she looked over at the truck. “Joe and Marcus both are taking everything seriously now that they know about Krieger. Because of that, they have Mac and Snake watching us here, then Jep and Montrel will join them at the courthouse. They’ll switch out, taking turns with the guys from the Scorpions.”
Diesel sighed heavily, leaning back into the door jam, letting the back of her head hit the door jam as she looked up towards the sky. “I’m sorry guys, I didn’t mean for everyone’s life to get totally thrown out of whack with all this. It took everything I had to not just pack a few things and disappear…”
“Bitch! If you had done that, every single one of us would have left whatever case we were working, the captain included, and hunted your ass down. We would have called every fucking marker we have in. Then we’d beat your ass as we dragged you kicking and screaming right back here.” York said fiercely, getting into Diesel’s face, once she gripped her jaw and forced her to look at her.
“You are family, woman! Family stands together. No matter what the hell is going on. We may not be blood, but we’ve shed enough fucking blood, sweat and God damn tears together to not be considered family. You are my sister, just like these bitches are my sisters. You ever do that, I will personally beat your ass, pull rank and then beat your ass again. We stand with one another, and for one another. That’s why this team is as unstoppable as we are.” Sgt. Brocard said with heat in her voice, staring Diesel down behind York.
“Get the picture yet, chica?” Rameriez asked, pushing her way into the house. “We’ve all known each other longer than anyone else in the HTTF. Taz is family, but the six of us have known each other the longest, even before joining the HTTF, we’ve all worked together. Outside the task force, we have ten years together as coworkers and friends, before joining the task force. Hell, half of us are eligible for fucking retirement right now because we started working the jails at eighteen before going into the deputy side at twenty-one. You, me, Pratt, and York all started there before meeting the sarge and Linds once we all hit patrol. This is a family, a true family. Fuck where we came from before we pinned that badge on. This is a family right here. You bitches know me better than my own family, and vice versa.”
The six woman all had tears in their eyes as they listened to Rameriez spout her poetry before they all pulled each other into another group hug, standing in the doorway. They stood that way for several minutes before Diesel pulled away, wiping her eyes.
“Alright, bitches! Good thing I didn’t put my fucking eyeliner or mascara on yet. I have coffee freshly brewed since I figured your asses would show up here. Don’t have much food, I’m never in this damn place. I was just planning on toast since my stomach is all to hell right now.”
“Go, eat your toast. You need something on your stomach. We’ll grab our own coffee and make a new pot if needed. We have everything you need. I have a white dress that goes all the way to the floor, and white sneakers, to match the dress. Linds has your something borrowed since it should be from a married woman, Sarge has your something blue, Ramz has your six pence to wear in your shoe…”
“I have your pearls to wear. I guess mine would fall under something new, I know you don’t have any family to pass down traditional things. You’ve met my family and to them, you are family, they officially adopted you as a daughter. We are passing a pair of new pearl hair pins for you to wear today.” York told Diesel as she handed her the box the hair pins were placed in.
Diesel sniffled as she looked at each and every one of them. “Guys, this is only temporary…”
“Bitch please! We see how you two look at each other. You’re telling yourselves that shit but we…” Raso pointed to the team and herself, “all know that you two are not going to get it annulled, divorced, or whatever it is people do.”
Diesel laughed a teary laugh at Raso’s declaration when her teammates all nodded, smirking. “You guys already started drinking before you came over here, didn’t you?”
“Nope! We see how you look at him when you think no one is watching. Funny thing is, he does the same thing. You two live to annoy each other. You both look for a reason to be near each other and snipe at each other to the point where the rest of us are laughing. Like Raso said, we all have a bet that when this is over, you’ll stay together. And I’m rooting for you two as well. He’s hot!” Sgt. Brocard winked at Diesel as she leaned in to hug her.
“Now that we have that out of the way, go! Go put on the dress and the shoes. We’ll work on the hair once you get dressed!” Pratt shooed Diesel into her room to start getting dressed while the rest converged onto Diesel’s kitchen to make their coffee.
The rest of the women took turns getting dressed in the guest bathroom while they all laughed, joked and drank coffee, standing around in Diesel’s kitchen. Once all six women were dressed, they stepped out, making sure Diesel was in the middle of them, signaling Snake and Mac they were coming out. The women climbed into the large SUV they commandeered for the day with the two men following behind them as they headed to the courthouse.
“Hey guys, can I ask a question really quick?” Diesel asked her friends as she looked out the window.
“What’s up?” Pratt asked, looking over at Diesel.
“So, um, what’s good dick like? I mean, how do you know that the dick you’re getting is damn good dick?” Diesel asked, her face getting red as her team looked at her, including Sgt. Brocard who stared at her through the rear-view mirror gob smacked at the question.
“Makes you come before you realize what hit you.” York answered without hesitation.
“You come harder than you’ve ever come before in your life. Like stars seeing hard.” Raso answered, a dreamy smile on her face.
“The dick hits the right spot, and you want to scream but all you can do is open your mouth and assume that scream came out.” Pratt said, her own dreamy smile on her face.
“Your legs start quivering when the dick hits hard and deep.” Sgt. Brocard responded, not looking at anyone.
“Nah, you can get that leg quivering if they can eat the pussy just right.” Raso answered, shaking her head over at her sgt.
“Linds is right on that one sarge. Had a guy who ate pussy like it was his last meal but when it came time to dick me down, the guy was a sad disappointment.” Diesel answered, agreeing with Raso.