Page 14 of Gypsy Angel
“Once we get the nuptials over with, everyone is following back to headquarters where we can go into a black box room and go over this.” Pratt said, looking around her surroundings.
“Black box room? Sounds kinky!” Kermit said, walking up to the two.
“Depends on your version of kinky, but then again, knowing you, someone putting your dick in a vice and twisting it would probably be having you jizzing in your cage.” Pratt said without batting an eye lash causing both men to howl with laughter.
“Damn, these women are a trip. Lady, you’re lucky you’re already married, because I’d be slinging your sexy ass over my shoulder and making you mine!” Kermit commented, hands up in the air when he noticed Highlander coming up behind his wife. “I said if she wasn’t already married man. You’re a lucky son-of-a-bitch!”
“As long as ye recognize that truth, then I won’t have to kick ye arse.” Highlander nodded at Kermit, pulling Pratt into his arms.
“Careful with that threat babe. I think he got a woody with the thought of you kicking his ass. Kermit here probably goes both ways.” Pratt smirked at Kermit who winked back at her.
“Only if I’m the one sticking it in their ass, babe. I’m the alpha dog in any relationship.”
“Oh, I have no doubts about that. I’d definitely pay to watch that porn flick!” Pratt laughed, yelping when Highlander smacked her ass. “What? I said watch, not participate!”
“Watch what?” Raso asked as she, Marcus, Diesel, York, Sgt. Brocard, Captain Irby, and Rameriez all walked up to the small group.
“Kermit’s porn flick of him drilling another man in the ass as the chick got the dick from the one Kermit is drilling.” Pratt answered, smirking at her husband before sticking her tongue out at him.
“Depends on how hot the other guy is, but if it’s Kermit doing the drilling, I’d watch it!” Raso agreed, earning her a smack on the ass from Marcus.
“Fuck yeah, I’d watch it!” Diesel agreed, earning her a growl from Viper which had the rest of the women laughing.
“Ye know, it’s always said that men are the horn dogs and have the bad reputation for how we talk about women sexually. I wonder if they forgot to question this horde right here.”
“I’m with my girls, I’d watch Kermit doing another hot man, too. If it was him with two women, I’d pass.” Captain Irby agreed with her detectives, winking at them before she walked into the courthouse.
“I knew it! I knew the captain was an undercover freak like us!” York whispered loudly to her teammates.
“Now it all makes sense!” Highlander and Marcus said at the same time, making the rest of the men laugh as they followed the women into the courthouse.
Viper watched as the team head honcho, Sheriff Phillips pulled Diesel to the side, watching as her eyes went wide with whatever he said to her. He had to smile slightly when he saw the man hug her and lead her towards the room they were going into for everything to be done.
Once their marriage license was signed and filed, they were directed to a different area and waited for the magistrate to come into the room. Once she had arrived, he stood where he was ordered, along with his men, Highlander and Marcus. When the magistrate asked who was giving the bride away, her entire team, her captain and the sheriff all said they were and stood with her.
He could see the shock and surprise in her eyes when they all responded, the shock that was still in her eyes from how well they accepted what she told them last night and the fact that they were all still here with her today. The only person missing at the moment was Taz, and he hoped like hell he would find out why, once this was done.
He never planned on getting married. Well, he never planned on it until after his sister was found safe and sound and he got her the help she would need to get through her nightmare. He wouldn’t put that kind of stress he knew it would be on any woman. Despite knowing it was only a temporary situation, he couldn’t help the feelings he was feeling, as he said his vows to the woman who made his dick harder than any woman he’s ever been around in his life. Maybe they could do the whole benefits thing while they were together. He was definitely going to get inside that pussy again. No question about it.
Once they were done and the magistrate announced they were husband and wife, they could kiss, Viper didn’t hesitate, he pulled Diesel into his arms and kissed her. He licked the seam of her lips, and as soon as she opened, he devoured her mouth. Their tongues battled for control, his ultimately winning. He tasted heaven on his tongue when he kissed her.
“Um, bud, wanna let her come up for air?” Rameriez asked, causing the large group to chuckle.
When they separated, mouths only, all he could do was stare into her eyes for several seconds before he winked down at her. “Hello, Mrs. McKnight.”
“Um, professionally, I’m keeping Diesel. It sounds better.” Diesel said, tongue in cheek as she smirked at him.
“Smartass!” Viper said before placing a chaste kiss on her lips as he pulled away to face the room.
“Ok, black box we go!” Viper announced, as he led Diesel out of the room.
“Wait, captain is allowing you guys in the black box room with us?” Diesel asked, looking around as she spoke to Viper.
“Apparently so. From my understanding, she’s bringing us in since there seems to be some questions they have because of information they have found.”
“Ok, well I guess I can meet you there…”
“Babe, get that sexy ass on the back of my bike. I know you’d rather ride yours, but your team is riding in the vehicle you came in. Pratt and Raso are riding with their husbands. They will be in front of us with my team behind us. You’ll be safe with me.” Viper ordered, watching Diesel’s expression at his order.