Page 33 of Gypsy Angel
She knew he was angry and scared as hell, thanks to the stunt she and her teammates pulled last night. But in the middle of it all, he changed and made love to her. Something that was never done. She knew she was madly in love with him and that scared the living shit out of her.
“Girl, you try to sneak glances with your eyes like that, your damn eyes are going to be glued like that the rest of your life and we’ll have to call you a side eyed bitch.” York spoke up, causing Pratt and Showalter to choke on their laughter when Diesel looked back at York with a glare.
“Let me guess, you two fought, he spanked the ass, you hissed like a backyard alley cat when he did. Fucked his brains out and now you’re wondering if he’s still upset with you?” Showalter called Diesel out in front of her teammates.
“I…I um…I let him fuck my ass last night, but when it happened, it actually…”
“Because it was done right, it felt damn good and now you’re addicted?” Pratt finished for Diesel.
“I told him to help me erase the memory of Symon back there. It actually helped calm him down. Oh God! I’m a whore now!” Diesel hissed out, burying her face in her hands.
“Sooo, you’re saying that because I let Joe fuck me in the ass now and then or when Showalter lets a man stick his dick in her ass that makes her a whore? I mean granted Joe is the only one’s ever done that. Hell, Lindsey even let’s Marcus do it. That make her a slut too?” Pratt fired back, as she moved one of Diesel’s hands from her red face.
“What? NO! You guys are married. Well Showalter isn’t, but she’s ok with that kind of stuff.” Diesel defended her statement.
“Um, bitch, technically you’re married to Viper too, so you’re not a whore if you’re using that b.s. idea. Look, Viper was on the edge last night. We could all see it. Hell, Joe and Marcus were on the edge last night too. We both got our asses spanked and fucked good. You not only calmed Viper down, from what I can see, but you also helped heal a part of yourself when you allowed him to bang the backdoor.”
“She’s right, D. I think that’s going to be the very important part going into this op that we’re going into. Viper is going to be highly vigilant with you going into that club. This isn’t going to be easy for either one of you. More so you because of your past history with these people. We know better than anyone what those men over there are capable of. That’s going to be our secret weapon. But at the same time, you’ve taken away Symon’s power over you.” Showalter advised Diesel, winking at her.
“She’s right. Symon is going to play on what he did. He’s going to bring it up to try and play you. He thinks he has that control over you. He’s going to use your fear, what was done to you not only by him, but by Krieger. They only know the old you. The kid you. They don’t know this badass, kickass woman you are now. That’s going to be the greatest weapon of all against this whole organization.” York pointed out, having the four women high fiving each other as they geared up to straddle their Harley’s.
“Everything ok?”
Diesel turned around at Viper’s voice and smiled. “Yep. Doing our normal pep talk and getting ready to straddle our favorite toys and get this show on the road.”
The four women couldn’t help but laugh at the men’s growls when Diesel made the statement their Harley’s were their favorite toys. They burst into laughter when Highlander and Viper stalked over to their women and kissed them hard and passionately.
“What’s so funny lass?” Highlander asked his wife, peering down into her eyes.
“You and Viper being all cave man like and poor Jacko over there looking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar watching York with the side eye.”
“Bitch!” York grumbled, straddling her bike.
“Well, you two might as well kiss now so you can see if there’s at least some spark. Can’t have you to muddling your way through it when we get to Los Angeles.” Showalter volunteered, causing Diesel and Pratt to hide their faces in their husband’s chests as they shook with more laughter.
Both women squealed, causing Showalter and York to take their turn at laughing when their men swatted their bottoms for laughing. York’s laughter was cut short when Jacko grabbed her nape and planted a hard, passionate kiss on her lips, making her moan.
“Oh damn!” Diesel and Pratt said together as they leaned forward to watch Jacko and York locking lips.
“Um, yeah, I think those two are going to be just fine. Maybe now they will put us all out of our misery and finally deal with that sizzling fire between them they are both trying to fight.” Showalter cheered as she straddled her bike, starting it up.
Diesel looked over at Pratt who shared a knowing glance. Yeah, as if York would allow Jacko to get that close. She’s got walls higher than Ft. Knox around her heart. If only anyone knew the true story on that one. Both women nodded in agreement as they sent a silent prayer to the man upstairs that Jacko was the one who would get York over that hurdle she was silently battling.
After Viper and Highlander gave their wives one last kiss and a smack on the ass, they whistled at Jacko who finally broke off the kiss with York. The two stared at each other for a few moments before clearing their throats. Jacko went to his motorcycle without saying another word.
Once everyone was straddled on their bikes, they started their engines and took off. Viper and Diesel leading the way, Pratt and Highlander, Showalter and York and Jacko riding the rear with Kermit who pulled up beside him once they hit the highway.
They rode in union down Interstate Five until they hit Huntington Beach where they pulled off at the parking lot for the beach and stretched their legs and had a quick bite to eat. They ate, laughed, joked, and fell into an ease of companionship that no one could question if they didn’t know them. Something they would learn without a shadow of a doubt would come in handy once they hit Los Angeles.
Los Angeles was considered a city of angels. In Diesel’s mind, it was the capital city of hell. If Krieger and his band of lunatics were trying to get a strong foothold in the city, chaos would ensue rapidly. That wasn’t a good thing for anyone, especially her daughter, or her. They had to put an end to this madness. Once and for all.
Everyone always puts an emphasis on blood being family. She learned quickly that wasn’t always the case. Family will turn on you faster than anyone else.
Her family, her true family, was sitting around her right now, joking, laughing and making fun of each other. Well, some of them anyways.
The rest were making their way into Los Angeles by a different route. Getting set up in the house next door to the one they were going to rent, as well as one a few doors down that would still have damn good eyes on them.
They weren’t taking any chances. To her, that’s what family was. No matter their differences, their backgrounds, they were there for each other, come hell or high water. They had each other’s backs.