Page 35 of Gypsy Angel
“Ok.” Viper sighed deeply, running his fingers through his hair. “Since you guys obviously already have a plan worked out. Spell it out for us cavemen.”
“There’s hope for him yet!” Showalter said before slamming her shot back then banging the glass down on the table. “Plain and simple. Men are simple creatures no matter what side of the coin they are in. Boobs!” Showalter replied, matter of fact as she sat back in her seat.
“Unless they are gay!” Jacko huffed out as he shook his head at Showalter.
“Even gay men like titties, Jacko. May not be female titties, but they still like titties.” York rolled her eyes at Jacko’s statement as she high-fived Showalter.
“Don’t forget ass. Men love ass, gay or straight. They have a major fascination with ass. If it’s not titties, then it’s definitely ass.” Pratt said, winking at Highlander who winked back after his eyes shifted between Pratt’s tits and ass.
“Ye have excellent tits and arse, lass. So, I have to agree with these lass’s. My lass, is not showing either, if that’s where ye are headed.” Highlander advised the women.
“Cavemen!” Pratt laughed. “I’m going to be in leather, babe. All our tits are going to be on semi display, except for Showalter’s.”
“Dude, have you seen your wife’s ass? Those leather pants we’re going to be wearing is going to make your wife’s badonkadonk every man’s focal point.” Diesel quipped, clapping her hands together and rubbing them back and forth as she winked over at Pratt.
When Highlander growled low in his throat, the women burst into laughter. “You know that growl has me all warm and fuzzy inside. I don’t know what would be sexier, him baring his fangs if he was a vampire or him growling if he was a wolf shifter.” Pratt joked as she stood up and ambled over to her husband, rubbing her hands up his torso to his chest and then around his neck as she brought his head down for a passionate kiss.
“I’d go with a vamp since they are immortal and he wasn’t the first born, so he can’t be an alpha.” Showalter mused, watching the two with their steamy PDA.
“Technically, an alpha doesn’t have to be a first born. There are stories that show an alpha can be born to others and beat a first born in a fight. My money would be on the scottie hottie.” Diesel replied, smirking at the two.
When Viper growled low in his throat, Diesel smirked over at him and crooked her finger for him to come to her. When he quirked his eyebrow, Diesel stood up and sauntered over to him, lowering her eyelashes as she stood on her tip toes, nipping his lip as she pulled back.
“I prefer vamp myself. Something about the bite and the suck that just makes me want to scream out as I come.” Diesel winked up at Viper.
“No love for a wolf. You two are definitely kinky bitches!” York mumbled grumpily as she sat back in her seat crossing her arms.
“Wolves are awesome but all that shedding from their wolf fur. Nah, I’ll stick with my vampire fetish.” Pratt laughed as she turned around in Highlander’s arms and stuck her tongue out at York.
“Maybe if you show Jacko your boobies and let him play with your ass, you can have your own vampire fetish.” Diesel prompted, causing Jacko to choke on his beer as he coughed and Showalter to fall out of her seat from laughing hard at the expression on York and Jacko’s faces.
“Bitch!” York huffed when she glared at Diesel and Pratt.
Viper walked into the room he was sharing with Diesel after doing a perimeter sweep of the area with Jacko. Highlander stayed inside the house, conferring with the four women on who was were and what the actual plans were. When he and Jacko came back into the house, the women had gone upstairs to their rooms while Highlander did his sweep inside the home and double checked the windows and locks around the house until they had come in.
The three men discussed what the women advised Highlander they were thinking of doing to get the brother’s attention and ultimately getting the information that they needed. Both Alpha Squad and Bravo Squad were in LA with them. Bravo Squad taking position in an abandoned building across from Eternal Nights.
The men figured that when the teams switched places to watch and see if anything happened during the day, everyone would be meeting to go over what was seen during the night. Oz was currently working on getting access to the club’s blueprints so that the four women can make their game plan before they solidified their plan of action.
Walking into the room, he noticed that Diesel was asleep in the bed already. He couldn’t help but smirk when he noticed that she was wearing one of his t-shirts and curled around his pillow. Viper went into the bathroom and started the water to grab a quick shower. Once he got into the shower, he moved under the water spray and let the hot water cascade down over his head.
Viper placed one hand on the wall as he leaned forward and his other hand through his hair to wipe the water from his face and down the scruff of his beard. Placing his second hand on the wall, he just let the water cascade over him.
Viper jumped when he felt hands slide up his back before moving back down and around to his stomach. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“I’m sad you didn’t. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, babe. I’m ok. Wanted to get the stink of the road off of me before crawling into the bed.”
Viper groaned when he felt Diesel move from behind him. Reaching behind him he reached for her to keep her in place. “Stay.”
“I’m just grabbing the soap, stud muffin. Let me wash your back, then we can work on your front.”
Fuck this woman was going to be the death of him. He loved feeling her hands on him. He’d never showered with any of the women he fucked in the past. It was too intimate for him. Something about Diesel literally blew the doors off every damn locked door he had in place inside him. He never wanted to get married and yet here he was in the shower with his wife of all things.
He never slept with a woman he fucked. He was a get it done and get the fuck out the door kind of man. He never took a woman to his place, had a woman on the back of his bike, except family. He never talked about his family, his military past or being a biker. He never felt the need to flirt or do the things he’s done since meeting Diesel. She literally got under his skin, into his blood, into his heart. No one has ever done that before in his life and fuck if he wasn’t enjoying every minute. She was his match, the air he breathed, the light to his darkness, the other half of his heart.