Page 44 of Gypsy Angel
Once Diesel’s tears had dried, she and Viper had gotten a shower, getting cleaned up. Giving her time to settle and her red eyes to dissipate, they sent a text to everyone in the house to meet in the living room for a much-needed meeting. They sent another set of texts to the captain, Sgt. Brocard, to have everyone set up for a meeting. Viper had sent one for his men to come in through the back door long with the others.
By the time both of them arrived in the living room, the room was jam-packed with everyone. Taz and Oz were setting up the monitors for them to use. One for the captain to be seen on and the others for everyone to see whatever Oz pulled up during their conversations.
Viper let out a piercing whistle to get everyone’s attention and motioned for them to get settled. When Diesel nodded at Taz, she made the call to get the captain on the monitor before starting the meeting she and Viper agreed needed to happen.
“Alright, I’m here. What’s going on, Detective?” Captain Irby announced, giving Diesel her undivided attention.
“Thank you, captain. Today there’s been a few developments. Before I go further, I will make this statement. When certain information is delivered, no one in this room is to yell at this individual and make them feel less for us not having known. We’ve all got secrets, and this one was no different. Is that clear?” Diesel demanded, looking at everyone who wasn’t privileged to be around during lunch.
Once everyone had agreed, she looked at York and nodded, letting her know she had her back. When York stood up and moved towards Diesel, she had to do a quick look at Viper when they both noticed Jacko moving to stand behind York.
“Several months ago, some of you knew I was dating a San Diego PD officer, Darren Hardsel. I never introduced him to anyone because it wasn’t supposed to have lasted as long as it had. Just one date, then I could tell him to get lost. All he knew was that I worked for the sheriff’s department. I never told him I was part of the task force. I never told him anything about myself to be honest. After that one date, he started basically inserting himself around the apartment. I caught him, twice, with another girl. Ended things with him, officially, after the first one, and he got angry with me. I changed the locks on the apartment, put his shit that he had outside in a trash bag and even had the doors and windows barricaded.”
“She actually stayed at my apartment for a few days at nighttime. There were no indications during that time that he showed up at the apartment other than his things were gone.” Showalter added, giving York a soft smile.
“I had gone out one night, was supposed to meet up with Showalter at a local bar when I saw Darren there with Sampson. He came up and started running his mouth about how he was with a real woman now and how she was a better kisser, better at giving head and sex…”
Diesel had to turn around and give Jacko a glare when he growled low in his throat at what York was saying. “Calm your tits, Jacko. Let the girl finish.”
“He’s lucky his ass is behind bars.” Jacko claimed through gritted teeth.
Diesel had to fight the grin she wanted to show when York reached out and touched Jacko’s hand, who then linked their hands together and pulled her back towards him, glueing her back to his front in front of everyone in the room.
“You know none of that is true, right?” Pratt asked, trying to hide her smirk with a wink at Diesel. “He was trying to get you to cause a scene so that Sampson would have ample cause to get you grounded or fired.”
“He didn’t get a response. It wasn’t until Sampson started running her mouth that she got clocked. You know as well as everyone in this room knows, that bitch had it coming for years. She was telling Darren how I was part of a low rated team and how I believed every boohoo story runaways give about being trafficked. How my team was the one that was getting the task force shut down…”
“That c.u next Tuesday had best keep her shit away from me!” Raso fired out before looking towards the monitor where the captain was sitting back in her chair with her fingers steepled before her mouth. “Sorry, ma’am, but we’ve all put up with a lot from that bitch. I don’t care if she is protected.”
“Actually, she’s not. After the fiasco with Detective York, she’s been under IA investigation. In fact, just mere seconds before Detective Diesel’s text, IA informed me they are serving a warrant for Sampson’s arrest. The Sheriff himself is riding with the deputies, as well as San Diego PD. Officer Pratt himself is part of the team.”
“Maybe I should text my brother to shoot her in the ass for us,” Pratt grumbled, her dislike for Sampson clear.
“What does all this have to do with what we’re doing in LA?” Peaches asked, leaning forward, her elbows on her knees.
“I got this, babe.” Diesel advised York, giving her a quick squeeze. “What York wasn’t able to finish telling you was after she clocked Sampson, the captain unfortunately, had to give York a one-day suspension while psycho bitch got a week for lying about why it happened. The only thing we can figure out is Sampson whined to Darren about it and he showed up at York’s, kicking in the door and beating her pretty bad to the point she was in the hospital for a couple of days…”
“Wait, please fucking tell me that wasn’t when she was on ‘vacation’ for those three weeks?” Raso stood up, hands on her hips, glaring at York.
“Sit your ass down, woman. She feels bad enough as it is. She was embarrassed about everything because she’s our badass, just like Diesel is.” Pratt told her sister-in-law.
“Yes, it was. Showalter was the one who found her, which I’m grateful for. Now, to answer Peaches question, that’s why I specifically requested Oz to be here. Now, unbeknownst to anyone, including Darren, he was under IA investigation via SDPD. Turns out Darren’s real name is Jetson Harrell. Which Sampson apparently knew, because she called him Jetson in front of our girl here. Oz, my request to you is can you find out who Jetson was reporting to or have possible connections to? We know it was an MC, but I’m almost afraid, with the timing of everything, it’s the Golden Fangs.”
“Yep! Let me pull up a few databases and do some digging. Can’t guarantee I’ll have it before the end of this meeting, but I will do my best.”
“Thank you. Now, the next part. Because of this, Gigi, Peaches and Duong, the four of us have agreed it’s not safe to send you three in just yet to scout the inside. If Sampson told Jetson anything about us, then there’s a good chance you guys could walk into a trap, and I refuse to have that happen.”
“Makes sense. So, what’s the new plan, or is there one?” Duong asked from the floor, her legs crossed as she leaned back against the couch.
“I want to call Nadia and see about a meeting with Raven’s parents. I want to find out more information on the friendship with the girl she went missing with. That’s the other missing link and one that keeps playing for the seven of us. We keep thinking there’s too many similarities to Viper’s sister’s case.”
“Ok, that’s good. It’s not just me then.” Gina ‘Gigi’ Riordan sighed in relief. “I was briefed by Taz about that case when I made a comment about the chances of the friend being a part of it and trying to recruit your kid.”
“That’s what keeps playing over in our mind. I will go meet with Raven’s parents. Sarge, I would like you, Raso, Taz and Oz to meet with the missing girl’s parents. You’re technically Switzerland with all this and wouldn’t have my emotions in talking with them, so I’d like you to interview with them to get your intake on what they say.”
“Works for me.” Sgt. Brocard and Raso said at the same time.