Page 72 of Gypsy Angel
“Prisoners ready for us. Myself and four others from my team will with you. He’s chained so he can’t touch you.”
“Thanks, Clarance. I just need a moment.” Diesel admitted, more to herself than to the others.
Once Clarance walked into the interrogation room, Diesel turned around and walked straight into Viper’s arms. “Hey, babe. You good?”
“Nervous. Confused. Scared. What if I’m remembering certain parts of my past wrong? I’ve blocked out so much.” Diesel asked quietly into Viper’s chest.
“One step at a time, love. We will get through this. You and me. Us and your teams. None of us will allow anything to happen to you,” Viper said as he wrapped Diesel tightly in his arms.
“I’m scared we’re too late. For both Raven and your sister.” Diesel admitted, sighing as she stepped back and looked Viper in the eyes. “I’m not sure which I’m more worried about out of those two.”
“Even if my sister is dead, at least I will know and can give my family closure. Yes, it will hurt, but at least we will know they can’t harm her anymore.” Viper kissed the top of Diesel’s head after he pulled her back into his arms.
“Let’s get this over with. I have demons to evaporate.” Diesel backed away from Viper, took a deep breath and turned towards the door and walked in, knowing her man was behind her.
Diesel now understood what Pratt and Raso were always talking about with their man. Yeah, she loved to tease them about it. They even had a bet that she would be the last team member to fall. Although Pratt said she didn’t think so, she would just fall the hardest. Bitch! She hated it when someone was right and she wasn’t. Granted, it was rare when it comes to her love life, but damn if they weren’t this time. She fell and fell hard.
“Ah, the prodigal daughter lives!” Kraven sneered in his native Ukrainian.
“You’re looking old there, Kraven.” Diesel replied in Ukrainian, smirking at him as she walked around him. “I would ask how life is treating you, but I honestly don’t give two shits.” Diesel finished in English.
“Boss is going to be so happy to know you are alive.” Kraven laughed, his head falling back on his shoulders as he looked up at the ceiling in his laughter.
“Which boss? Would that be Krieger, or would that be Symon?” Diesel asked, stopping to stand in front of Kraven, staring him down.
Kraven spit towards her, causing the men to jump when he committed the action. Diesel put her hands up to stop them from reacting. “Symon only wishes he could be the boss. Krieger runs everything. Boss has tried to curb that little fucker. He only gets worse.”
“Symon has always thought he was better than everyone. You asshats have always allowed him to behave how he wants. Why did Krieger send him to California? He can’t control him here from Arkansas.” Diesel questioned, sitting down in front of Kraven, the large table separating them.
“Trial run. This was Symon’s last chance. After his actions in New York, Miami and Chicago, they wanted to give him one last chance. While he’s good at some things, he causes too much attention. He craves too much bloodshed. Causes too much bloodshed.”
“What happened in New York?” Viper asked, standing behind Diesel.
“Besides the carnage in taking out an MC?” Kraven laughed, shaking his head.
“Yeah.” Diesel prodded, leaning forward. “What else was there?”
“Bodies inside the club. If Symon saw someone he wanted, if they didn’t want him, he took them. He loved to hear them screaming as he forced himself on them. He didn’t even mind a crowd to watch. It was his way of showing he could do what he wanted, and no one could say otherwise. Dymtrius ordered him gone after the girl that caused the NYPD to show up. He had to hide her. He was furious with Symon.”
“What girl?” Viper growled, gripping the chair that Diesel was sitting in to keep himself from wrapping his hands around the man’s throat.
“Dymtrius had seen a girl who came in with Scarlet. We can’t stand that bitch. She’s nothing but drama and trouble. But the girl she brought with her, she was beautiful. Dymtrius saw her and wanted her instantly. Said she reminded him of you, little sister. Pure. Innocent. Secretly dangerous. When the bitch introduced her and said her name was Bella, Dymtrius was smitten. Symon became furious when he allowed the girl to leave. He felt that she should have been detained, for him.”
Diesel could feel Viper’s rage pouring off of him. “What happened to her? She still alive? I know she is still missing.” Diesel asked, trying to calm Viper’s rage.
“She’s alive. She was almost dead by the time Dymtrius found her. Never saw him that furious. He called Krieger at his home in NY that he has for his visits. Told him he wanted Symon gone. He took something he wanted and ruined it. If the boss hadn’t gotten rid of him and sent him to Miami, Dymtrius would have killed Symon right then and there. Alexsander and Andriy had to calm Dymtrius down. Sofiya was with me in NY. She is a good midwife. They demanded I bring her to look after the Bella girl.”
“What did Symon do to her?” Diesel asked again, gripping Viper’s hand.
“He heard Dymtrius state she reminded him of you. Symon followed her. Saw where she was staying. He ordered Scarlet to bring her to him. When she balked, he threatened her and her boyfriend. How he would tell Dymtrius that it was Blade who was ripping off Krieger. It was really Symon, though.”
“The girl, Kraven. What happened to her?” Diesel repeated her question.
“He raped her. Took joy in her screams. Her pleas. Said he would make sure she never reminded anyone of you again. He cut her while he was raping her. Sofiya stitched her up. Dymtrius found a doctor who would help us off the record. We kept her hidden for weeks. Dymtrius wouldn’t leave her side.”
“She’s still in New York?” Viper asked, hope in his voice.
“Yes. Dymtrius keeps her with him. I never thought I’d see the day when that man treats a woman like a queen. He made Krieger promise Symon was to never set foot in New York again. He cut ties with him. Alexsander and Andriy took Symon to Miami to start a club there and take over the territory there. Only chaos ensued there too. Symon is pure evil. Eviler than Krieger could ever hope to be.”