Page 113 of No Cap
“And she said Quincy didn’t show her enough attention,” Kinny offered up.
Why Kinny was there, I didn’t know.
He’d arrived shortly after Quincy.
I had a distinct feeling that Kinny was there to get directions on what needed to be done at our house.
In the last month alone, not a single thing had gotten done.
Because sometimes Quincy Declan Carter was married to his job.
“He didn’t,” I defended myself.
Quincy, who was standing with his arms locked in front of him, rolled his eyes heavenward and looked to be praying for patience.
“He had me stop by and bring you food yesterday,” Quaid offered.
“And I brought by that dry cleaning last week you asked him to pick up,” Atlas offered.
Auden tapped his chin. “I’m pretty sure I went to that bakery you love and brought you the cheese Danish you say is the best thing ever.”
I raised my brow at him, then held up a finger as a contraction stole over my body.
“Fuck, that hurts,” I said through gritted teeth.
“You dummies,” Ande said as she pushed through the curtained off area that led to the hallway. “She’s not saying y’all don’t help her. She’s saying that she would like to spend some time with the man she’s married to.”
I waved out a hand, practically slapping Quincy in the chest, because my eyes were still shut from the pain. “Thank you.”
Quincy caught my hand and placed it over his heart.
It was racing.
I blinked open one eye and saw him staring at me.
“Does it hurt really bad?” he asked.
I mean, I’d just said ‘fuck, that hurts.’ How much more clear could I be?
Yet I didn’t snap at him.
I burst out crying. “I’m sorry for leaving you.”
He bent down and pressed his lips to my forehead, then started to kiss away my tears. “I know you are. But I deserved it. I haven’t been here this month, and I’m sorry.”
He hadn’t.
Though he’d made it to every doctor appointment, he’d gone out of his way to close as many of his cases as he could, and then brief those who would be taking over some of them while he was off for six weeks.
He’d been making the transition for them smooth, and that was awfully nice of him.
But I’d missed him this month, and it’d showed.
“At least he’s off for six weeks,” Quinn grumbled. “As for the rest of us…”
Shayne flipped him off, then pushed off of the wall and clapped her hands. “How about we all go get lunch, and leave them to their baby birthing?”