Page 50 of No Cap
And Mom said it was ‘in fashion’ to leave it up all year long, despite the fact that if you did leave it up, you were supposed to decorate it to match the seasons.
But whatever.
I placed the boxes on the coffee table next to what looked like my dad’s phone.
“Where is everyone?” I tried to make small talk.
Quincy dropped his packages next to mine, then caught my hip and pulled me into his side.
I went willingly, unable to stop myself from partially melting into his side and waited for my dad to answer.
Only, Dad was now in his chair after picking up his phone, no longer paying attention to us. Whatever he was viewing on his screen had his undivided attention.
I sat down in the chair that was meant for guests—yes, everyone but me had a special place in the home—and gestured to the seat beside me. “Have a seat.”
Quincy did, reaching out and catching my hand, really selling the whole ‘fake boyfriend’ thing.
My dad didn’t pay attention, though, he was so engrossed in his phone.
There was stomping from somewhere above our heads, and then my sister and brother finally made their way downstairs.
“Tayson and Humfrid,” I murmured, then thought better of it and tacked on, “Tayson is the boy.”
Tayson was nineteen. Humfrid was seventeen.
Both of them were selfish assholes, and were perfect replicas of my parents, who were also assholes.
Selfish ones at that.
“Let’s open presents so I can get back online,” Tayson murmured.
“I have to be at the mall in forty-five minutes,” Humfrid agreed.
“But what about dinner?” my mom asked as she bustled in, an apron around her middle, giving her the perfect ‘housewife’ look.
Mom and Dad both looked very similar. Brown hair. Brown eyes. But Dad was tall and skinny, while Mom was very voluptuous.
Tay took after Mom and was a bit heftier. Meanwhile, Humfrid looked like she could drift away from a swift breeze.
“Dinner will…” Tay paused. “We can eat dinner.”
“We can?” Humfrid sniffed. “Speak for yourself.”
“We can eat dinner,” Tay repeated.
Humfrid rolled her eyes but didn’t argue.
“Who the fuck is this?” Tay asked in his snarliest of tones.
I ignored him, knowing he was talking to me, but not liking the way he’d voiced his words.
If he wanted to know who I was with, I’d tell him. But not until he asked nicely.
Obviously, Quincy was of the same opinion, because he didn’t answer. Only leaned over and said, “So far, it’s not looking good.”
No. No it wasn’t.
“Here.” The presents were now being slung across the floor as Humfrid and Tay handed them out.