Page 20 of The Vampire Queen
“Shut up! That’s an awesome cat name,” Dani grumbled.
Things were rapidly sliding out of control. “Dani, get Luca on the phone. I’m Ash, and this is Dani. Our parents are Brian and Melinda Mosier, the people you protect.”
The Therian nodded. “I am Uuka, the leader of my pack, and regardless of what you say, I will not betray my orders. We have given our sacred vow to protect these people.”
“Not from us, asshat!” Dani growled.
“Dani, shut up and call Luca!” Ash hissed, then turned back to the panther. “Uuka, I’m guessing you’ve never met a vampire who wasn’t a shitshow. That’s fair, but I’m not like them. I’m not Nadya’s child. I was turned by the witch Eiko so I could save Luca. A lot has happened since we left. Please, just let us explain. If you aren’t satisfied, we will leave.”
Uuka nodded. “I will listen, but you will not move one step closer to that house.”
With multiple starts and stops and a lot of talking over each other, Ash and Dani summarized the major events of the past few weeks. They explained how Luca had been captured, how and why Ash had been turned, and how the fight with Nikoli had ended. Their story didn’t alleviate Uuka’s suspicions, but he was no longer openly hostile.
“What if I give you access to my mind?” Ash asked. “I have nothing to hide, and you can see the truth in my memories.”
Uuka nodded. “That would go a long way toward convincing me that your motives are pure.” He moved closer, his eyes flashing.
Ash didn’t resist when she felt the Therian’s telepathic probing. It was the quickest way to prove her innocence, and after two days of travel, she was jetlagged and terrified about what her parents would say. She was even more sensitive to telepathy as a vampire. As Uuka rifled through her memories, the scenes played out in reverse chronological order.
Her tearful goodbye to Luca. The soul-wrenching funeral. Saving Luca and her part in defeating Nikoli. Giving up her humanity to save him. The mating bond. The beginnings of their relationship. The recent fight with James Preston. Her childhood and the attack by Paul Preston when she and her father had nearly died and Dani’s mother was murdered.
Uuka eventually pulled his consciousness back and took a knee. “I was wrong. Please forgive me. You gave up everything for our people. Even knowing what could happen, you did it to save him. No, not just him. All of us.”
Ash nodded. “Well, I wasn’t going to let him die. Nikoli would never have stopped, and his rage would have destroyed the empire. Maybe not right away, but it got really bad really fast.”
Dani couldn’t get through to Luca, so she called Viktorija, who answered on the second ring.
“Viktorija! Thank God. We made it most of the way home, but a panther won’t let us through. Please explain who we are and that it’s not breaking their word to let Ash and me see our parents,” Dani requested.
She handed the phone to Uuka, who stood to take it. Ash was several feet away but could hear the conversation.
“This is Viktorija Nablyudatel. Let them through. The blonde became a vampire to save your king, so the entire empire is in her debt. Protect them with your life, and I will be in yours.”
Uuka’s eyes reflected his newfound respect for Ash. “She allowed me access to her mind. I have no doubts. It will be as you say, Princess.”
“General,” Viktorija corrected. “See that it is. They are both precious to us.”
Uuka hung up and passed the phone back to Ash. He gave a slight bow. “I am sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Ash replied. “You were protecting our parents, and we can’t be mad about that. We just want to see them and sleep in our own beds tonight.”
Uuka nodded. “I do not know how you retained your humanity, but I would like to hear that tale sometime. Please.” He gestured at the Mosiers’ home. “Go see your parents. They miss you very much, and they have been worried.”
“Sure. We’ll have plenty of opportunities to talk again before we leave,” Ash told him. “I would love to learn more about your clan.”
Ash and Dani got back into the car and continued down the street. Uuka didn’t leave his sentry post, but she felt his eyes on her the whole way. His expression said he was confused, awestruck, and hopeful.
Ash couldn’t blame him. She was new to the hidden world, but every vampire she’d met had earned their evil reputation except Zia, who was badass but had a heart of gold.
Dani parked in the driveway and shut the car off, though neither woman moved right away. She took Ash’s hand and squeezed gently. “It’s going to be fine, dude. Stop freaking out. Seriously.”
Ash took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I know that. I really do. I’m just…scared.”
Dani nudged her shoulder. “They won’t love you any less because you have to snack on the occasional blood bag.”
Ash laughed. She couldn’t help it. Dani made any situation brighter with perfectly timed comedic relief and unflinching compassion. “Okay. Eye check. No red?”