Page 11 of Alexander's Heart
“Holy shit!”
I’m stunned, fuck me, two, two!
“Yes, there are two babies, and...”
“And what? Are they okay? Fuck, Doc, are my...” I have to breathe, my head is spinning, “babies, okay?”
“From what I can see they are perfectly snug and safe, congratulations man, you also have identical twins, do you want to hear their heartbeats? If not, I’ll ask you step out of the room.”
I. Am. Speechless.
Not only have I managed to get Lily pregnant, but we’re having twins, wow. “I’m not going anywhere, fuck, Doc, I need to hear their heartbeats to know they are safe.”
Doc shakes his head and smiles, while clicking a few different buttons on the panel and then I hear a whooshing sound. My eyes are glued to the screen, the anticipation, excitement and fear that everything is okay, is palpable. Then the sound of life can be heard, a heartbeat a very rapid heartbeat.
“Doc, is everything good the heartbeat sounds too fast, please tell me they’re okay.”
“Breathe man, twin one has a perfectly healthy heart rate, babies hearts beat are faster than an adult and especially at this stage in the pregnancy.”
“Okay, okay, and the other baby?” I’m jumping out of my skin in anticipation.
“Twin two is just hiding behind twin one, give me a second.”
I feel like I’m standing in front of the enemy in in the middle of the battlefield during hostage negotiations, my body is coiled tight and my mind on high alert, just waiting for shit to go south.
“There we go, twin two.”
Just as Doc finishes speaking, I hear a second heartbeat. Holy shit I can’t believe this, both survived, I feel my body relax, and with all the hours I’ve been awake my body starts to shake with the adrenalin coursing through me.
“Congratulations, brother. Your babies are perfectly healthy, Lily did good man.”
“Fuck yeah, she did, she is such a protective Mommy. Twins, wow.” I whisper and gently place my hand on Lily’s lower belly.
“Lily is ten weeks into her pregnancy, by these calculations conception would have happened right at the start when you met, January 27th and her due date is October 18th.”
“Hooyah!” I whisper yell and Doc returns one of his own.
Hang on that’s not right, “That would make her eight weeks then?” I question.
Doc chuckles, “Technically a woman is ‘classed’ as pregnant from the date of their last period, so at conception they’re two weeks into the forty week count. That’s also why people say nine months pregnant but the reality is, forty weeks is ten months. Some people will argue the dates especially with an unplanned pregnancy and a reluctant father in the room.”
“Well shit, I can see how that confuses people, it got me too, Doc.” I say shaking my head.
“Yeah man, it is tricky, I usually get people to count each finger as four weeks, and watching their face when it clicks is so worth it, often I see people still counting on their hands in the damn corridor.” Doc says chuckling.
“At least I didn’t use my damn fingers and just took your word, what about healing time?” I question.
“Lily is a fighter and so are your babies, and she really is an angel. I will monitor Lily every step of the way but like I said earlier it will take time to heal.”
“Yeah, she is, my angel. I’m so fucking chuffed man, now I just need Lily to pull through this and wake up.”
“Lily will, I’ll make sure of it, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it, she has a long recovery ahead of her, brother. I’ll use the same cream we used on her back to help heal her wounds and the surgical site quicker because with twins her belly will grow much quicker than a normal pregnancy, and we need those wounds to close and heal fast.”
“Whatever is needed, Doc, I trust you with Lily and my babies lives... wow, babies. I never thought of two at once.”
“Makes a little sense, Chief, Lily is an identical twin herself, so the chances are much higher for her to have multiples.”
“When can we move her to the suite?”