Page 27 of Alexander's Heart
I smile because, Alexa is going to love these babies, “You will be the best big sister, ever.”
Alexa sits up on her knees beside my tummy and puts her little hands on my belly and rubs gently.
“I think they awe boys, Mommy.”
I giggle, “What am I going to do with boys, I only had a sister and you, I don’t really know about boys.”
“We will wangle them the same we do the team.” Alexa says all serious.
I chuckle this time and Alexa leans in to hug my belly and gives two kisses before she snuggles back into my side and looks up at me.
“We can teach them to bake, boys should know that stuff too and Daddy can build them a tweehouse, besides the team will teach them boy stuffs.” Alexa says mapping out a plan.
“You’re right, my love, boys won’t be so hard, we’ll wrangle them together.” I say with a giggle.
“I needs maw sleep, Mommy, I love you to the moon and back.”
“And I love you, sweet girl, ever so much.”
I stroke over the back of Alexa’s head as best I can, her soft curls giving me comfort and dream of one day soon having three little heads to stroke at bedtime, the thought makes me warm on the inside and genuinely so very happy.
Alexander and I are going to need a bigger house, with lots of room for our growing family to run around. The thought of two at once is a little overwhelming but I’m excited too, they will grow up being close like Caro and me.
I wonder who they will take after, will they look like Alexander? Or me? Or are they going to be a mix of the both of us. I’m picturing black hair and green eyes as I drift off to sleep because the Harrington genes are strong, like a force of nature, I drift off with a smile having my little girl securely tucked into my side.
Iwake to the aroma of a strong cup of tea and giggles coming from Alexa, opening my eyes I can see the light flooding in the from the big window, and look around the room. It’s huge and very lavish, my eyes are much clearer now and then I spot Alexa sitting on Lottie’s lap both staring at me with big smiles painted across their faces.
“Morning, Lils, glad to see you’ve returned to the land of the living.”
Lottie scoots her chair closer and Alexa climbs into bed next to me and Lottie leans in and gives me long hug, “I brought you a strong cup of tea, sweet girl,” She whispers into my ear.
“Thanks, Lottie, but you’ll have to let me go for me to be able to drink it.” I giggle.
“Not yet, I’ve missed you immensely Lils. I need to just... hold you.”
When Charlotte pulls back, I see tears swimming in her eyes, “I couldn’t believe it when I walked in this morning, and Alexander told me the news.”
I look around the room again but I don’t see Alexander and my heart sinks, “Where is he?”
“I’m right here, Angel.” Alexander’s voice filters in from the doorway.
I take in the beautiful site of my man standing there in his tailored black suit and my favorite scarlet tie, boy is he sexy as sin. My body ignites with need and I’m overcome with emotion as he stalks into the room, his presence fills the large space and all I feel is him.
“Hi,” I say feeling my cheeks flush with heat.
Alexander leans in and hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead and my need for him explodes, who knew you could feel desire when in a hospital bed. Wow, I need him, I need my man, I need to feel him to know that we’re okay. I kiss his cheek and hear is breath quicken.
“Charlotte, would you mind taking Alexa to get some breakfast please.” Alexander asks.
Charlotte and Alexa both giggle and I feel Alexa being scooped off the bed, “We’ll give you some time, just keep it PG you two.”
As they exit, I hear Alexa asking, ‘What’s keep it PG, mean?’
I giggle at that; I can’t help it. Alexander sits on the edge of my bed and scoops me into his arms, holding me against his chest.