Page 31 of Alexander's Heart
You’d swear they’d know each other for years the way they bicker back and forth. I think Dad secretly enjoys Betty ordering him around, I see the sneaky side glances he sends her way and it always makes me giggle.
Due to the injuries, I suffered and being a twin pregnancy, I’m classed as high risk, today we have this week’s scan to check on the babies progress, and it’s the last chance to find out their gender via ultrasound. I’m torn because I’d love to know so we can be more prepared but Alexander wants to wait and it be a surprise.
He also keeps reminding me that we don’t have to worry about planning and money, whatever we need we will get without worry. If I nail today’s physiotherapy, Doc said he’d be happy for me to go home. I originally started with the hospital physiotherapy but the team kept butting in and eventually turfed the hospitals plan out the window, and no one argued. I want nothing more than to be at home with Alexander and Alexa so I’ve been worked hard. We are also looking at houses today, Alexander has quite a list for the three of us to go look at, and I’m excited.
“Ten more jabs, Cupcake, and you’ll beat the old boy,” I laugh because Dad has beaten me tenfold, but Betty’s cheating ways won’t let him quit before I do.
Today I’m working with Blake, he not only helped save my life but is making sure I’m equipped to live it, freely. They all are, every single one of them have been training me to defend myself and each person brings something different to the table.
‘You lie, woman!’ Dad yells on a labored breath.
It makes me laugh even harder, I’m done I fall to the floor and stick my legs in the air and remove my gloves.
“You two kill me, dead I tell you, I’m done.”
“You did good, Cupcake, I’ll tell Doc you kicked Davies ass!”
“I just want to go home to be with my family, sleep in my own bed and be able make a decent cup of tea.”
“Let’s go, Angel.” Alexander’s voice says smoothly.
I roll my head to the door and see Alexander standing there looking fine as heck wearing a navy blue suit and, my clit throbs and nipples peak instantly.
“Can you give me your hand?” I say sweetly holding my hand up.
Alexander’s mouth tips into a wolfish grin and my bodies reaction is visceral, I need to feel him inside of me, it’s been too long.
“I plan to, Angel.” He says, and I don’t miss his double entendre as his long strides eat up the gymnasium floor.
He reaches down and hauls me up like I weigh nothing, which turns me on even more. I’m now twenty-two weeks pregnant and the size of a woman with a singleton pregnancy at full term.
“Hi, Handsome. Mmmm, you smell so good.” I have to close my eyes and try to settle my veracious needs.
“Doc better give us the green light today, or I’ll scratch his eyeballs out.” I growl out.
Alexander chuckles, “Feeling all hot and bothered, Angel?” He says smirking at me.
I bare my teeth, “I blame you and your caveman ways, I’m pregnant because of you and with these added hormones of twins running through me, I’m about to check myself into the psych ward if I don’t get relief soon.”
Alexander kisses me passionately and I swear that this alone could make me come, I feel my clit pulsing like it’s a missile seeking out its target.
I pull away abruptly, “I need out of here and now!”
Alexander chuckles deeply, “Come on. Let’s get the all clear.”
“Bye guys, bye Betty, be gentle on the big guy will you, let’s go.”
As I’m dragging Alexander towards the exit I hear their laughter, I know it’s funny but when you have such intense need for relief it makes my eye twitch. Alexander scoops me up and carries me, I love it, but no, not today.
“If Doc sees you carrying me, Handsome, he will not let me go! Put me down, I swear I will make a run for it, if he doesn’t clear me.”
Alexander nuzzles my neck and whispers, “Not going to happen, Angel. Now, what have you decided, are we finding out what we’re having or are we waiting?”
I look deep into Alexander’s green eyes and see hope staring back at me.
“I’ll make you a deal, Handsome, we can keep it a surprise,” I see Alexander’s mouth twitch, “if you can convince Doc to let me out.”
Alexander’s eyes light up, “Deal, Angel.” He was too quick to agree and I have a feeling this was planned. We turn the last corner and I’m set on my feet in front of Doc.