Page 50 of Alexander's Heart
I’ll bake Lottie her favorite blueberry muffins for when she drops Alexa back to smooth her mood, I know she’ll need the treats, and the last thing I see as they back away is Reid and Alexa laughing and Lottie not looking amused.
The build has flown by over the last six weeks, being that it’s summer has really allowed the work to progress at a rapid pace but Betty and Pam have been the real driving force, one of them is always on-site pushing the workers to get it done. We’re on track to have the interior fully complete before the babies arrive, there’s really only the cosmetic things left to do, the extra features on our fun list and landscaping will follow. Today I’m showing Lily the progress, I know she’ll be amazed because it’s seriously blown me away that we’re actually getting it built this fast.
I’m excited to show Lily the interior of the library the most and see her reaction, all Lily asked for was double height in-built bookcases on all walls except the fireplace mantel wall because she wanted space for portraits of our family. But I know my girl, and those shelves would be filled in no time so I worked with the architect secretly to extend the height and made it a forty-eight foot floor to ceiling room spanning the four levels.
There are five levels total, the bunker or ‘safe room’ level, then there’s the regular basement level, next is ground level entry which has the main living space. The kids floor being level four and at the top is our parent’s retreat and nursery for when the babies are young. So, I had the library span the lower four levels and each having library access points with the ground level being the main entry and subsequent levels having a ringed floor space surrounding the shelves which is large in itself but nothing like the main floor area.
when you look up and down the center you see a wide spiral staircase with wooden steps, black wrought iron banisters and railings that allows you to see all levels.
It’s fucking amazing to me and all I can hope is that I’ve made it perfect for my angel.
I even included rolling elephant ladders in each section, on all levels, the ones in Beauty and the Beast. I remember seeing them when Alexa and I were watching it one day when Lily was in a coma and I tucked that little piece of information away in case we built, as I knew the library would be huge.
I walk around the side of the house and find Lily sitting on the deck fanning herself, and I pause and just take in the beautiful site. My angels belly swollen with my babies prominently protruding is sexy as sin and makes me so fucking toey. Lily is such a natural Mom and I intend to keep her pregnant, growing our family for years to come. How the fuck did I get so lucky, me, a door kicker, I’ll never know but one things for certain I will cherish and worship every fucking day I get to spend with my angel till my dying breath.
I cheekily wolf whistle and Lily looks my way and instantly my cock jumps wanting to be buried deep inside her wet, warm pussy and I groan with the rush of blood filling my cock.
“Angel, I have something I want to show you, come with me,” my little minx looks directly at my groin and bites her lower lip.
“Does it involve a big package?”
I guffaw at her innocent approach to her naughty response; fuck me she knows just how to make my cock ache.
“I definitely have something huge to show you, come.”
I pull her up and she slaps my ass, “Ohhh, I will, and so will you, I’ll make sure of it Handsome.”
I kiss her naughty mouth with such passion I want to strip her right where we stand so I can bury myself deep, but there’s too many people mulling around and no one gets to lay eyes on my girl except for me.
“Minx,” I chuckle, pressing my hand to her lower back for stability and with my simple touch she lets out a sensual moan. Fuck, me, sideways. It takes everything in me to tamper my hunger and continue to lead Lily inside towards the middle of the house.
The moment I open the heavy dark wood double doors, there’s nothing... no sound, no reaction, just dead silence. I turn to Lily, and what I see will remain etched in my memory like a flash grenade blinding me. The wonder on Lily’s face is breathtaking, fuck I sound like a fucking pussy, but man, she’s standing there mouth covered with her left hand, her engagement ring sparkling which is highlighting her freckled heart while rubbing her swollen belly.
“Angel?” I whisper, not wanting to break the moment.
Her wide dark blue eyes find mine and spill over with tears, “I-It’s magical, Alexander.”
Lily launches herself at me and I scoop her up and swing her around in my arms.
I smirk, “Beauty and the Beast, Angel style.”
“This is the most beautiful library I’ve ever seen or could ever have dreamed of; I love you so, so much, Mr. Harrington.”
I smile wide, “And I love you, Angel, mine.”
Lily’s eyes are scanning every detail as I stand there holding her, the array of emotions playing across her face is everything I wanted and more, all I want is my girls happy.
“I wanted an all-encompassing space that represents you, that our whole family can enjoy.” I whisper.
I can’t believe what Alexander has created, it is beyond beautiful it is simply magical, never in the wildest depths of my imagination could I have dreamt of a space this beautiful.