Page 75 of Alexander's Heart
“Handsome,” I whisper, tears instantly falling down my cheeks in sweet relief.
“Angel.” Alexander’s voice is rough.
At hearing him speak my name I breathe out a sigh of relief, get up from the bed and start moving to be by his side, I need to hold him tight.
“Daddy,” Alexa squeals and starts running toward him.
“Princess.” Alexander says with a small smile, I can see he’s in pain but I don’t think Alexa has registered yet, through her excitement.
Doc steps out from behind Alexander and stops Alexa launching herself at him.
“Ladies, you need to be gentle,” Doc says smiling at us and Alexa stops dead.
“Why, what’s wong with my Daddy?” Alexa doesn’t look at Alexander she stands staring up at Doc with her little hands firmly planted on her hips demanding answers.
Doc squats down while I gently hug Alexander and just breathe him in.
“I missed you, Angel,” he whispers in my ear.
“Princess, Daddy is okay, I fixed him up but he has very sore ribs.”
Doc tickles Alexa’s ribs trying to show her where and hoping for a laugh but she’s not laughing, she’s really not her happy self.
“I want to know why I haves to be gentle with my Daddy,” Alexa’s lip starts trembling but she’s holding back her tears.
“I’m okay, Princess, I’m her–”
Alexa holds her little hand up and doesn’t take her stare from Doc.
“I loves you, Daddy, but I wants my Uncle Doc to esplain to me why.”
I sigh heavily because this is not Doc’s fault, I was the one who didn’t want to worry my little love and turn to Alexa, bending over as best I can.
“Lovebug, it was my decision to not tell you, I didn’t want you to worry, you can be upset with Mommy.”
“I know Mommy, I’m not upset with you but I do wants to know from my Uncle Doc why my daddy was huwt when spun up.” Her eyes never leaving Doc’s, her expression commanding but full of emotion.
Doc shakes his head hanging it low before he looks back up into Alexa’s eyes and takes a breath.
“Alexa, you’re right we should have had Daddy’s back, I’m very sorry Daddy got hurt, but I promise you he’s okay.”
Alexa lets out a heavy sob then wraps her arms around Doc and cries hard.
“Princess, it’s not Doc’s fault can we go sit down, Daddy needs a gentle cuddle, please.”
Alexa nods and Doc stands with her in his arms and we all move over to the bed and Alexander wrinkles his brow, I guide him to sit down and can see he has questions but Alexa is our focus right now.
“Come give Daddy a cuddle, Princess.”
Doc places Alexa on his lap and she snuggles in gently with her head down.
“My brothers did have my back baby girl, but Daddy heard a little girl crying and moved really fast to help her and got hurt in the process. I know you’re upset, but can you please let Uncle Doc off the hook, he just saved my life and really deserves some love, do you think you can forgive him, please.”
Alexa looks up and nods, kissing Alexander on the cheek and climbs onto Doc’s lap and holds his face in her little hands, hiccupping as she tries to calm her emotions.
“I’m sowwy Uncle Doc, I was just scawed, I’s vewy sowwy and thank you faw saving my Daddy, I do loves you.”
Then she leans in and places her head on his chest and holds him tight.