Page 33 of Close Quarters
Leaning in close, I sneered at him. “You fucking wish, don’t you? Your perverted ass has been gawking at me for days now. Bet you just wish I’d give you this, don’t you?”
I expected a laugh, or hell, at this point, an insult. Despite the apparent contradiction that my traitorous dick was making, it was not a sexy situation. Even if we were covered in sweat and blood, wrapped around one another after fighting roughly, there was nothing about the situation that should be arousing, and yet here we were. All I needed was for him to break the moment, and I expected him to as I insulted him again.
What I wasn’t expecting was for him to use his free arm and grab the back of my head, yanking me closer. Our mouths crashed together, and when I tasted blood, I didn’t know if it was from the fighting or because our teeth clashed. Whatever the case, neither of us bothered to stop as I felt the fierce hunger inside me roar to the front of my mind.
My grip around his neck tightened as our mouths parted, tongues lashing out to roll over one another with the same intensity as our fight only seconds ago. It felt like a fight as he gripped the back of my head with an iron hold, pulling as he shifted my head to the side. In response, I nipped his broken lip, making him hiss with pain as I tried to hold him in one place.
But Elliot was just as restless now as at any other time. I let out a low growl as he once again ground against me, dragging out more fierce jolts of pleasure that probably would have made my dick twitch if it wasn’t currently trapped in my goddamn pants.
I guess he had the same thought because he managed to wiggle his other arm free and tried to shove it between us. I had to reluctantly ease my hips up from his to give him room. Elliot wasn’t one to waste an opportunity, and his hand slid between us, gripping my shaft and giving it a firm squeeze. It rode the line between pleasure and pain, making me growl into his mouth again.
He was also a little more adept at this sort of thing than I thought, considering he undid the buttons and zippers to both of our pants in seconds. Just that bit of loosening alone was a relief as I let out a sigh of pleasure, only to grunt when his hand pushed into my pants. My dick was warm, but so was his hand as he wrapped it around me, gripping as he gave a few experimental pumps.
“Fuck yes,” he groaned when our lips separated, leaving his red and swollen from the intensity of our kiss.
“Told you you fucking wanted it,” I told him, even as I thrust into his grip.
“Goddamn right I do,” he told me unabashedly, his thumb sliding over the head smoothly. “Mmm, a leaker, nice.”
“God, you talk a lot,” I snarled, still pushing into his grip. “Your mouth has better uses.”
“A lot of me has those same uses,” he said, taking his hand off me long enough to shove his pants and underwear down. “Wanna find out?”
“I can’t stand you, but I’m not going in dry. We’ll both bleed more than we already are,” I told him with an edge of regret. I hadn’t even got that far mentally, but he was already trying to tempt me…and succeeding.
“Ha! You’re in for a fucking surprise,” he said, putting a little too much emphasis on ‘fucking’ to be accidental. He squirmed around for a moment before managing to hook his leg around my waist and, with a shove, sent me reeling onto my back. It wasn’t gentle, but nothing about what we’d been doing so far had been.
“Fucker,” I groaned as the wind was partially knocked out of me. I pushed myself up as he gained his feet and walked over to his bed, picking up the small set of drawers and beginning to root through one of them.
I, however, wasn’t content to figure out what was going through his squirrely little brain and advanced on him. At that point, the switch in my brain had been flipped, and I was going to get what I wanted one way or another. When I reached him, I roughly yanked him to his feet, spinning him around. I was just as rough when I pushed him against the wall, pinning him there as I once more claimed his mouth.
“Let’s see what else your mouth can fucking do,” I snarled, grabbing his shoulder and shoving him to his knees. He could have fought me, but he went without hesitation, shoving something into his pocket before gripping my hip.
I’d privately admitted that Elliot was a good-looking guy, but watching as he took the head of my cock between his swollen lips gave him a whole new level of attractiveness. He eased me into his mouth, letting me feel his tongue as it slid over the underside of my head before taking me back further. Half of me slid into the glorious warmth of his mouth as he let the muscles of his throat squeeze around me, drawing another pleasure-filled noise from me as I gripped the back of his head while he slid back and forth.
I barely had a moment of disappointment that he was only taking half of me before he suddenly slammed forward. A choked gasp erupted from my throat as my entire cock was swallowed. His nose was pressed against my hip, half-squished from how far down he’d gone. I couldn’t see the slightest bit of my dick as I felt it throb in pleasure deep in his throat.
“I guess you weren’t kidding about your mouth,” I said in a low voice. “Best way to shut you up if you ask me.”
He made a low noise that vibrated all the way to the base of my cock, sending ripples of pleasure through me. With another growl, I gripped the side of his head, holding him in place as I reared back, only to slide back into his mouth. There was only a moment of struggle from him, but I held his head against the wall as I began to fuck his throat.
His fingers dug into my hips, nails biting the skin, but not once did he push against me as I used his mouth. Emboldened by the unexpected permission I was being given, I really began to thrust. I didn’t dare go too hard for fear of breaking his nose, but if he was going to let me do this, I’d take full advantage. It wasn’t often I got a chance like this, and I savored the feel of his mouth, the grip of his throat as waves of pleasure arced through me.
After taking my time to savor every last bit of pleasure, I pulled myself from his mouth. I went slow, watching as my dick reappeared, shining from his spit as I pulled the head free. His breaths came in pants, and I was a little impressed he’d managed to keep breathing despite the rough treatment.
Before I could compliment him, he pushed me back and stood upright. His hand wrapped around my cock and pulled me in, making me wince. I ignored the jolt of pain and pushed him back against the wall. Before I could close my mouth over his again, he reached into his pocket and dangled something in front of me…an unmarked bottle, but the contents were obvious: lube.
“Where the fuck?—”
“Shut the fuck up.”
God, I was glad I hadn’t complimented him. I was so sick and tired of listening to him. If he was going to make any noise, I definitely would have preferred anything but talking. I was beginning to believe he was just trying to piss me off, but either way, I was done listening.
I grabbed him, spinning him around and yanking the bottle out of his hand. Shoving my hand between his shoulders, I held him there as I grabbed his pants and underwear, pushing them down to his knees. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the lube on my cock, and I made a mess of things, but I was successful.
“About fucking time,” he muttered.
“Shut,” I began, pressing the head of my cock against his hole, “the fuck, up.”