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“You’ve got that look on your face again.”
I look up from my own desk and grin at Mrs. Weaver. She’s hardly a novice, but she still swears by Drew’s classes.
“You still here?” I ask. “Drew really needs to step it up if you haven’t learned how to sauté onions after paying for all these classes.”
“Oh, funny,” she says, smirking at me. “Nice to see your eyebrows have recovered.”
I scowl. I’d forgotten about that one.
“Oh yeah?” I say, getting into it. “Well you—”
“Mrs. Weaver, how are you doing today?” interrupts Drew. I have no doubt he’s been listening this whole time. Which fucking sucks, because if I’d forgotten about the singed-eyebrow incident, I bet he had too. Thanks a lot, Mrs. Weaver.
“Happy as a clam,” she says with a wide smile. “My boy’s getting married.”
“No kidding? Congratulations,” says Drew.
“Thanks,” she says. Her smile takes on a hint of mischief. “His fiancés are wonderful. We’re really very lucky.” She takes herself back to her workstation, stopping to chat with other students along the way.
“Did she say ‘fiancés’? Like, plural?” I ask.
“I think she did,” says Drew.
The rest of class passes quickly. Apparently Drew’s in a hurry to get home, given that he actually beats me back to the car for once when we’re finished cleaning up. Winter seems to have finally passed, if the humidity is any indication. Spring is in the air, which for us means rain and lots of it. I don’t mind, for once. Everything feels new and fresh.
There I go again.
“What’s that frown for?” Drew asks, glancing at me as he points the car in the direction of his apartment where we’ve been spending most of our time lately. I miss being able to run down and chat with Rusty and Beck anytime I want, but not enough to stay at my own place. I keep wondering whether Drew’s getting tired of having us around so much but can’t seem to find the nerve to ask him outright.
“You’ve turned me into a damned sap, that’s what,” I say. “First Mrs. Weaver rags on me, now this. Ugh.”
I don’t elaborate any further, but Drew’s smug expression tells me he knows what I’m talking about. Fucking feelings. Ugh.
Bailey’s already home when we get to Drew’s. She’s found a tiny restaurant that rents their kitchen to her a couple of times a week for her catering business, so her hours are all over the place. It’s been a rocky couple of months for her and me both, but things are looking up. And between the three of us, things couldn’t get any better, which helps us get through the rest.
Drew managed to get through the competition incident with his career more or less intact. Turned out that vicious bitch Mila was the one responsible for both the equipment tampering and the tabloid article outing our relationship. Sizzle only caught her because she used Wi-Fi at work to send that photo of us—she ‘fessed up to the rest once they questioned her. Apparently she’d been so furious that Drew was screwing around with “so many other whores” that she was determined to get him fired. It was a close call but in the end, she failed. Drew says things are still weird with some people at work, but he thinks it’s getting better.
Personally, I’d have flipped them all off and walked out a long time ago, but I’m not exactly the people-person my boyfriend is.
“There you are!” says Bailey, leaping on me as soon as I get in the door. She wraps her legs around my waist as I hitch her up, walking us both inside.
“Oof,” I manage. “Good thing you’re tiny.”
“Funny,” she says, laying a kiss on me that almost takes me to the floor for real. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too, Ross.”
“Hello to you, too,” says Drew, dryly. Bailey grins at him and winks, unwrapping herself to go to him, giving him the same kiss. I keep waiting for the jealousy to kick in—either jealous of her or jealous of him. It’s been months now.
Nope. Still nothing. All it does is make me think we need to get a proper desk here at Drew’s so I can fuck somebody over it.
“Knock it off,” says Drew, looking at me.
“I didn’t say anything!”
“I know that look,” he says. “Save it.”
“Fine,” I grumble. “What’s this big plan about tonight, anyway? Do you know?” I ask Bailey.