Page 63 of Sear
“Rival network,” says Ty.
“Corporate espionage,” says Kenna, nodding.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” I say, waving a hand in surrender. Jesus. “But you made my point for me. Where on that list of possible suspects do I come in?”
Kenna flexes her hands on the chair and bites her lip.
“Spit it out, Kenna,” I say, checking my watch. We’re almost done for the day and I have a sudden pressing need to get back to my suite as soon as I possibly can.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she says quietly.
“What question?”
“She’s right,” says Ty, looking at me with the first hint of suspicion I’ve seen from him. “Can somebody vouch for you, Drew? Anybody.”
I hesitate long enough this time that Kenna sighs and Ty swears.
“Give me a couple of hours,” I say, stopping Ty just as he’s about to stalk past me for the door. “Just… I need some time. Give me until the morning.”
Ty looks at the floor for a moment, then nods. This time when he heads for the door, I don’t stop him. Kenna avoids my eyes as she gathers up the last of her things.
“We’ve worked together a long time,” she says, finally meeting my eyes. “If you need something… if you need help, I hope you’ll come to me.”
I swallow hard, nodding my thanks.
I make my way to the elevator in a daze. Greeley’s little interrogation act took long enough, almost everybody’s cleared out of the conference level, so I ride up to the twenty-second floor alone with my thoughts.
I’ve never given anybody reason to doubt what I say, yet in the last twenty minutes four of my colleagues—two of whom I consider friends—have all but called me a liar. Like I’d sabotage my own event. Of course, after this, I’m more keenly aware than ever that this event—any of the events I’ve managed for Sizzle, or the classes I’ve taught, or anything at all—none of it is really mine. I put my best work into that place. I pulled out every trick I knew to make sure the competition went as smoothly as possible, and I’d done a damned fine job.
Except for this.
Sabotage. Who the hell would want to mess up the final ceremony? Ty and Kenna had made their point; the list of possibilities isn’t short. But really—who would go to the trouble? It doesn’t make any sense to me.
Sure as hell doesn’t make any sense that I’d do it. But then, I have the distinct advantage of knowing exactly where I was during the time frame the damage was done. The rest will be up to the cops, or whoever’s investigating, to figure out.
Maybe I should have just told them the truth—that I was making out with somebody backstage. Unprofessional as hell, maybe, but not unbelievable, as excuses go. Only they’d ask who I was with. They’d want to question the other person. To him.
To Cooper.
Yeah, telling the truth back there was out of the question. Failing that, the best I could do was to not lie, even though the disappointment on Ty’s face and the concern on Kenna’s were almost enough to make me reconsider.
It wouldn’t just be outing Cooper, either—I didn’t think of it sooner, but there’s a damn good chance getting caught with me would mean the end of his contract with Sizzle. I know how much he wants this contract. Even though the job’s almost finished—once we’re done filming this week, Cooper’s contract is fulfilled—I know there’s been talk about hiring him as a temporary show host to fill in for some of our regulars.
Losing that opportunity for me… there’s no way it’s worth it to Cooper.
So I’m glad I kept my mouth shut, even if it means waiting until Sizzle’s investigators find out who actually caused the damage. Cooper’s job is safe, and maybe that means Bailey and Cooper and I might have a shot.
Tuesday lasts for-fucking-ever. Ever have one of those days that isn’t bad, but you’d just really, really rather be somewhere else? That was today.
Not that I had anywhere else to be, since both the people I wanted to be with were on the same floor, working every bit as long as I was today. You’d think, considering the resort isn’t all that big, that maybe we’d have been able to spend some time together, maybe sneak away for a minute.
Not even once. Balls to the wall all day today, that was my schedule. The closest I got to tracking down one of my busy lovers was literally running into Drew on my way to yet another interview. I barely had time to flirt, let alone suggest we make use of the stairwell.
Not that I’d gone out of my way to find a secluded stairwell. Ahem.