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“I’m fine,” he says at last.
“Just fine?” I ask.
Cooper’s lips twitch, his eyes dropping down briefly to my breasts. “Maybe better than fine,” he admits.
“Look at me,” demands Drew. Cooper obeys, and the effect on Drew is immediate, his cock stirring to attention. I noticed that yesterday, how compliant Cooper gets after a good orgasm. Clearly Drew’s noticed too, and intends to use that knowledge every chance he gets.
He studies Cooper’s face for a long moment, until Coop starts to look uncomfortable under his scrutiny. Drew nods, letting up and smiling at me.
“Yeah, he’s all right,” says Drew. “Just fucked out.”
Cooper groans and rolls his eyes, covering his face with both hands. “Oh, shut up.”
“There’ll be no living with him after this,” I say to Coop, prying a hand off his face so I can kiss him.
“I know it,” says Coop mournfully. “Goddamned Marvel comics.”
“What’s that now?” Drew asks, thoroughly lost.
I nod at Cooper in sympathy. “I know,” I say. “The movies didn’t help.”
“What the hell are you two talking about?”
“America’s ass,” I say. “Not enough he’s one of the good guys. Had to go and make him Chris Evans too.” Cooper sighs, nodding.
“Wait, are you talking about me?” Drew asks, looking horrified.
“Sorry, dude,” says Cooper, crossing his arms behind his head and looking completely at ease for the first time all evening. “It’s a fact. If you don’t want to get called Captain, maybe you should skip the gym every once in a while.”
“Unbelievable,” mutters Drew. His face has turned a dark sunburnt pink.
I climb over Cooper to tackle Drew back to the bed before he can leave. Not that he couldn’t throw me off without breaking a sweat, of course.
Which is really freaking hot, if I think about it too long. I think about it anyway because he’s here, naked, and we’ve fucked. All three of us. And the world didn’t end. Drew and I are still friends, and he’s still here with Cooper and me.
Hoo boy. Speaking of hot.
“Penny for your thoughts,” says Drew, the smile back in his eyes as his embarrassment starts to fade. Cooper takes a break from trying to pierce the ceiling with his gaze and looks at me, his breathing finally back to normal. I figure what the hell and tell them the truth.
“That was hot. So hot.”
Drew laughs. Cooper snorts.
“Like, really, really hot,” I say. “We should do that again.”
This time they both laugh.
“Maybe some of us need to recover,” says Cooper.
“Speak for yourself,” says Drew, reaching between us to palm his rising erection. Cooper’s eyes go wide and I feel mine doing the same.
“Holy cow,” he mutters. Drew grins, and I know that look. I brace myself just in time as he grips my hips and flips us, throwing me back onto the pile of pillows at the head of the bed. Drew grabs a towel and the lube and sets them on the nightstand next to me, eyeing Cooper at the foot of the bed.
It’s going to be a long night.
Waking up the next morning feels like the one and only time I ever got a mud bath—my limbs aren’t quite cooperating and everything feels way heavier than normal.
“Morning, Bailey girl.”