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I nod tightly. I’m not ready to give him any ground yet, despite the fact that I’m so relieved he’s here that I could burst into tears at any moment. Play it cool.
“And you were wrong,” he goes on, looking down at the floor. “I think you’re worth it. You’re worth everything to me, Bailey.” Drew takes a step closer, his voice thick. “You are everything to me.”
He takes my hands in his, tangling our fingers together. “I was tired. After my family… it doesn’t matter anymore. I know what we have isn’t going to be easy. If we do this… if you’ll have me, I know it’ll take work. I can’t promise I won’t get tired again.” Drew lifts my chin with his finger, forcing me to meet his gaze through watering eyes. “But I promise, Bailey, if you take me back I’ll never give up. Not ever again.”
“Oh, shut up already.” I use his grip on my hands to yank him down for a kiss. It’s brief, and when I pull back I don’t know if the tears on my cheeks are his or my own. Drew scoops me up, carrying me over to the couch to cuddle me on his lap.
“I missed you,” he says, his hands cruising over my back. “God, I missed you so much.”
“Missed you too,” I say, still struggling with tears. “But hey,” I say, knocking him back with a hit to his shoulder. “We’re not done yet. What about Cooper?”
Drew groans. “What about him?” The quirk of his lips tells me he’s joking, but I haven’t quite forgiven him that far.
“Have you seen the video?” I ask. He nods, his expression turning serious.
“I figured if he could man up and apologize publicly like that, the least I could do was apologize in person,” he says sheepishly.
“Have you talked to him?”
Drew shakes his head. “You?”
“No,” I say, climbing off his lap. He pouts until I hold out a hand to help him stand up.
“Where are we going?” he asks.
“To go get our boy,” I tell him, grabbing my coat.
I wake up to soft snoring coming from the pillow to my left. Cooper’s still sleeping hard, as is Bailey, curled up on his other side. I slip out of bed as quietly as I can, trying to let them rest a while longer. Considering how late we stayed up, I’m not surprised they’re worn out.
The memory of just how we wore each other out brings a smile to my face, so wide it makes my muscles hurt.
I duck into Cooper’s kitchen to start some coffee, taking the opportunity to send a quick email to Tyler letting him know I won’t be in the office today. Bailey and Cooper’s schedules might be more flexible these days, but Sizzle still has me punching a clock. Whatever. They can deal without me for a day.
I’m digging around in Cooper’s refrigerator to see if there’s enough ingredients to put together breakfast for three when I feel a warm hand slide across my ass cheeks before getting a firm grip on one side.
“You brought it on yourself, honestly,” says Cooper, his voice rough with sleep and overuse. The roughness makes me flush, memories swamping me again. “If you didn’t want to get groped you really shouldn’t be dressed like this.”
“Rape jokes aren’t funny,” I say, grabbing the eggs and setting them on the counter. His hand stays with me the whole way.
“They’re really not,” says Bailey, coming into the kitchen with a yawn. “But I have to admit, Coop’s got a point.” She looks me up and down, not bothering to conceal the lust in her eyes as her gaze moves to Cooper’s hand fondling my ass. “Also, why are we out of bed? It’s cold out here.”
“Sustenance, woman,” I say. I grab Cooper’s hand and use it to spin him around, bending him back over my arm. “And good morning to you too.” I kiss him softly, grinning when I hear Bailey sigh.
“Let me up,” says Cooper, doing his best to look disgruntled.
“I dunno, I kind of like you off balance like this,” I say, backing him up against the counter. It gives him just enough leeway to push at my shoulders, but I keep moving, hoisting him up on the countertop next to the stool Bailey’s sitting on.
“Fucking cold,” he says, his body jerking as his back touches the marble.
“Should have thought of that before you left the bedroom naked,” says Bailey.
“That’s rich, coming from you,” says Cooper. The stink-eye he gives her falls short, considering he’s lying on his back naked as a jaybird on the counter between us.
“Hey, I’m wearing a shirt,” she says, before pulling it over her head and dropping it on the floor. “Well, I was.”