Page 100 of Steam
West’s hands slide up my thighs, stroking the wet material there idly for a moment, teasing, drawing it out, the touch sweet and soft and not nearly enough for what I want right now.
He pulls the seam away from my body and yanks the fabric in half, tearing the leggings apart. Raleigh’s gasp is louder than my own as the warm air hits my exposed flesh.
West clucks his tongue, his fingertips chasing along the naked skin just beneath the ruined fabric. “No panties again, Callahan. What are we going to do with you?”
“I have some ideas,” says Raleigh, stroking himself now, his eyes all over my body.
“Do it.”
Raleigh doesn’t wait another second, working me to a climax with his lips and tongue and teeth. Watching him stroke himself at the same time, hearing his obvious relish in the act sets me off, and I come as West finally slides a finger inside me. Raleigh pulls back, rocking to his feet to kiss West passionately, their faces right next to mine. I can smell my own arousal on his skin. The way West runs his tongue over Raleigh’s lips, like he’s trying to collect every last drop of me from them, makes me cry out, my body tightening all over again even as he works me with his fingers.
“Here?” Raleigh breaks away to ask. West lifts his hips with me still on his lap, withdrawing his fingers digging around in his pocket as he thrusts his still-covered cock up against my ass.
“Here,” agrees West, handing Raleigh condoms and a packet of lube. West works himself free, holding out his hand. Raleigh obediently coats them with lube, and West warms the fluid in his hand before reaching between us once more to stretch me open.
Raleigh dumps the rest on the coffee table nearby and stands up to jerk his shirt over his head. Leaning over to give West room to work puts me right at eye level with Raleigh’s bouncing, stiff cock. Unable to resist, I take his head between my lips and lick. Raleigh yelps, still stuck inside the collar of his shirt. One hand comes down onto my head, the other tugging the fabric until his face reappears, his hair and eyes wild. I hold his gaze and suck him hard, moving with him as his hips start to pump. Far too soon, he pulls me off, shaking his head and laughing a little.
“Too much,” he says, laughing when I pout. “Not yet.”
“How about this instead,” says West, bumping the tip of his dick up against the sensitive flesh between my cheeks.
“Yes,” I say, leaving off the please. If I beg, he’ll make me wait even longer. As it is, it’s all I can do to hold still as he gently presses me down, splitting me open. The torn fabric of my leggings makes the act lewd, naughty, like we’re doing something we’re not supposed to do and the forbidden twist has me clenching my knees together.
It takes some work and a lot of patience—it seems I’m never going to be able to take him as easily as Raleigh can—but once I’m firmly seated, West pulls my knees up to my chest and opens me up to Raleigh one more time. The pupils of his eyes are so wide, his eyes are almost black, and God, I’ll never get tired of the way we do this.
Raleigh grips the base of his cock to hold the condom in place and lines himself up, pushing up into me slowly. The angle is tight, tight, tight, almost impossible, and before he’s all the way inside I’m scratching at his shoulders, trying to get away, trying to get him deeper, trying to keep my spangling body from exploding into stars. West is breathing in my ear, urging me on and Raleigh holds himself still, letting me get used to it all or just savoring the moment and the hell with that. I grip him hard, one hand on each ass cheek, and pull him into me. The last thing I hear is my own scream, and the room goes dark.
When I blink my eyes open, Raleigh is frowning deeply and West is chanting in my ear.
“Come on, baby, wake up,” he’s saying. “Callie. Callie, wake up.”
I nod, not quite able to speak yet. I blink up at Raleigh, whose relief is obvious. The moment I realize they’re both still locked inside me, the heat rises in me all over again.
“Oh, good,” says Raleigh.
“I’m okay,” I manage.
“Thank God.” West rests his forehead between my shoulder blades. His arms are trembling but his grip on my knees never wavers. “Do you want to stop?”
“Are you insane?”
Raleigh’s cock flexes inside me when he laughs, setting off a chain reaction. West groans deeply, grinding his hips up into mine.
“Oh my God,” gasps Raleigh, “that feels amazing.”
West doubles his speed and Raleigh starts to thicken, his climax imminent. I dig my nails into his back, urging him closer until he starts to thrust in counterpoint to West. The friction is gloriously unsustainable, and they come in a matter of seconds, their cries and the incredible sensation of being used between my two men sending me over the edge once more.
It’s a while before West lifts his head enough to kiss my shoulder.
“You still with us this time?” he asks.
“Stop sounding so smug,” I say, with effort. “Unless you want me to tease you next time you’re in the middle.”
Raleigh blushes so hard he could light the room, and West laughs quietly.
“I love you,” he says. My heart stutters and stops. Raleigh freezes, staring at West over my shoulder like he’s forgotten what planet he’s on.
“I love you. Both of you,” West says again.