Page 68 of Sizzle
The memory of his anger kindles that spark of hope inside me and I step on that bastard fast to keep it from growing. But that’s the thing about hope. Once it’s there, even the smallest bit, you can’t push it out again. You might as well try to bottle smoke.
He can’t possibly be jealous of her. Elliot doesn’t feel that way about me. And even if he did, he’s obviously in love with Joelle. I don’t blame him; I’m half in love with her myself. The difference is that they can make a happy life together.
No matter how things shake out—if Elliot stays mad at me, or if he and Joelle can’t make things work between them—I can’t bring myself to regret last night. The grin I’ve been trying to hide all day breaks loose and here, alone in my car, I can smile like the fool I am.
It was amazing. They were amazing. We lit the world on fire. I’d give anything to make it happen again but I won’t push Elliot somewhere he doesn’t want to go, and I won’t make Joelle feel like she has to include me out of some kinky, misguided notion of fairness.
But instead of pulling up to my own house a few minutes later, I find I’m sitting parked outside of Duckbill. Joelle’s shift ended ten minutes ago.
I could just grow a pair and go inside to talk to her but until I figure out what the hell got into Elliot, I better steer clear. If he’s freaking out about being turned on by a guy, I don’t think me showing up to his work is going to help him feel better.
Instead, I fire off a text to Joelle.
Hey pretty girl. Need a ride home today?
She responds immediately.
Yes, please. When can you get here?
I grin.
I’m sitting out front right now.
I see a bright orange wool hat pop up in the window of the front door. Joelle pushes it open and hurries through the snow, sliding into the passenger seat beside me.
“Hey,” she says breathlessly.
“Hey yourself,” I say. I’m grinning like a fool again. “Fancy meeting you here.”
She laughs.
“Thanks for the ride,” she says, pushing the slouchy hat up out of her eyes. “I drove today but Dad had to come get the car earlier. I wasn’t looking forward to catching the bus in this weather.”
“Glad to be of assistance.” Her cheeks are rosy pink from the cold and combined with that absurd orange hat, she’s damned adorable.
Who am I kidding? I’ve been falling for this woman since the moment I met her.
Joelle chafes her hands together for warmth. I lean over and capture them between my own, rubbing some of my heat into them. She glances up, a shy smile on her face.
“Hey,” I say. Her smile widens.
“You already said that.”
She’s here with me, even after the way last night ended. And she’s smiling. Holding myself back from her feels like swallowing razor blades, so I lean in and kiss her soft mouth. Her lips part, her gasp caught between us. Her hands twist to grip mine, pulling me closer.
What I wouldn’t give for goddamn bench seats right this minute. But the console between us is the only thing keeping me honest because the way she’s kissing me, like she could dive in and stay all night? I’m scanning the parking lot for somewhere we could go so I can pull her into my lap away from the eyes of anybody who happens by. It’s dark out already. If I avoid the streetlights…
The thought shorts out when Joelle slides a hand around my neck, taking the kiss deeper. Every time I slide the tip of my tongue against her bottom lip, she whimpers, so I do it again. And again.
And a third time, because that sound just fucking does it for me.
I pull back slightly, because much more of her hot-as-hell mouth and I’m going to do more than seriously consider front seat sex for the first time since college.
Joelle’s eyes are closed, the expression on her face… I’ve seen that expression in paintings. It’s beatific. It’s joy.
She’s going to break my fucking heart. Here in the darkness of my car, snow falling outside around us, I can’t bring myself to care.
I tuck a stray curl back behind her ear, careful not to disturb that insanely bright hat. She sighs, finally opening her eyes.