Page 93 of Sizzle
“An actual show,” she says. “When would be a good time to meet?”
The details are a blur but I manage to scribble down a day and time and an address before hanging up.
Dad and Connie are laughing at something in the living room. The second pot of the day is brewing, the scent of fresh coffee wafting through the kitchen. The box of pastries on the counter is still giving off that incredible fresh-from-the-bakery aroma.
Everything here is the same as it was three minutes ago, but it feels like the entire world around me shifted.
“Who was that, girlie?” Connie says, coming into the kitchen. “You look like you’ve been hit by a bus.”
“I might have been,” I say, offering her a mug. She pours her coffee and turns back to me. When I don’t say anything, she asks, “Well?”
“That was Sizzle. The cable network with all the cooking and food shows. They want to talk to me about filming a pilot.”
Connie sets the mug down so fast coffee splashes all over the counter.
“Hank! Get in here!”
“What? What’s wrong?” Dad comes loping in as fast as he can. “What happened?”
“Your girl here’s going to be a star, that’s what!” Connie’s whooping drowns out Dad’s response, but she doesn’t stop until she’s scooped me up into a hug. “I knew you were going places, girlie.”
I hug her back, tears prickling my eyes. This time, I’m not ashamed to let them fall.
“Thanks, Connie.”
“Sit down, will you?” says Dad, waving us both over to the table. “My leg can’t take all the dancing around.” He sets the bakery box down in front Connie, handing her a plate.
I reiterate the conversation for them, and then again a second time at Connie’s insistence. Before long, they’re bickering about the merits of fame and whether or not Dad should go ahead and hire a bodyguard to protect me so I tune out and let them have their fun.
Wasn’t I just thinking that culinary school could wait? Didn’t I just come to the conclusion that it didn’t matter how long it took to get there, I’d get there just the same?
It’s like the universe is trying to tell me something. That maybe I really can have it all—if I have the nerve to go after what I want.
I’d be a damn fool not to listen.
So maybe it’s a little unusual to fall in love with two men at once. It’s also pretty damn unusual to get a phone call from my most favorite channel on TV, and that just happened.
My phone chimes again and I pick it up automatically, expecting to see the email confirmation Kenna told me she’d send.
It’s not that. It’s a text from Elliot.
I gulp hard and swipe the message open.
Can you come to the house? We need to talk.
A second message pops up before I can respond.
Please? I know I owe you an apology but I’d rather do it in person.
I was all set to tell him I’d be right there, but that second message rubs me the wrong way. He wants to apologize? Good. He was a jerk. But he can damn well come to me if he wants to say sorry. Why should I deliver?
Who am I even kidding right now? I’ve never missed anyone so much in my whole life as I’ve missed Elliot and Alex the last couple of days. Even if all he wants to tell me is “Sorry, have a nice life,” I can’t miss this chance to see them again.
If it weren’t for them, I’d never have had the courage to say yes when Sizzle called a little while ago. They showed me I’m worth it, and not only because they thought so. Because I have value. I have more to offer this world. Thanks to Alex and Elliot, I know it.
My cheeks hurt and I realize it’s from smiling so damn hard. Dad’s still going on about something but Connie catches my expression and narrows her eyes. I hold up a hand to check yet another text before she can ask.
Hurry, if you can. His ex is here.