Page 29 of Best Served Cold
We made our way into the kitchen, pausing every few feet so River could greet the various people who called out to him. By the time we were in front of the kegs, he had three different lipstick prints on his cheeks and another smear on his shirt collar.
I poured a cup from the keg and pressed it into my brother’s hand, then poured mine.
“Want to do a round and see who’s here?” he asked me.
“Sure. You looking to meet someone tonight?”
“Nah.” We wandered toward the living room where the bulk of the people seemed to be. “I mean, if I hit it off with someone then yay, but I’m not in the mood to deal with any of that tonight. Oh, there’s Noah.” River waved.
I glanced over out of instinct just as Noah raised his hand to wave back. Chanel stood beside him, grinning triumphantly.
A sour sensation, followed by a sharp pain, tore through my stomach as she stepped closer and fixed her adoring gaze on him.
“We should go say hi.” River motioned for me to follow as he headed toward them.
I did, barely holding back my retort about Noah being his new bestie.
River told me how he’d randomly met up with Noah after he’d been stood up. I was glad he was there because River had come home in a great mood, rather than the sad and broken one I always saw when one of his dates was an asshole to him. But I also hated that they got along so well.
River didn’t tell me what they’d talked about, just that Noah was a nice guy and they’d had a great conversation. But my brother could talk to anyone about anything, so that wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement for Noah and his conversation skills. He was still an annoying jackass, but the fact that he was kind to my brother made him tolerable. Sort of.
“Hey,” River greeted as we sidled up to Noah and Chanel.
“Hey.” Noah grinned at River, his smile bright and genuine. I couldn’t pinpoint why that bothered me. Irritation prickled under my skin as he slid his gaze to me. “Zane.”
“Noah,” I deadpanned in the same tone he had.
“How’s the swill?” Noah swiped the cup out of my hand and took a long drink.
“Help yourself.” I didn’t bother trying to get my drink back. I only carried it around so people would leave me alone about not getting shitfaced like everyone else. “Enjoy the backwash.”
He winked and made a big show of swallowing. “Yummy.”
I rolled my eyes as River chuckled and Chanel giggled in that controlled way she did when she was flirting. She hooked her finger through one of his belt loops. Another surge of anger hit out of nowhere.
Noah took a half step to the side, putting a bit of distance between him and Chanel. She shot him an annoyed look but didn’t let go of his belt loop.
I half listened as River and Noah talked about work, keeping an eye on the crowd around us.
“Aren’t you going to get a drink?” Chanel interrupted loudly when there was a break in the conversation.
“I’m good.” Noah lifted the cup he’d stolen from me. “Beer and backwash, what more could a guy want?”
“Ew.” She wrinkled her nose as River laughed. “Come with me to get one?” Chanel shifted so she was standing between Noah and me.
“When we’re done.” His tone wasn’t cold, exactly, but the flicker of aggravation in his eyes was impossible to miss. For me, at least.
“You’re so annoying.” She turned on me. “You too.”
“Right back atcha, sweetheart.” I winked, knowing it would piss her off.
“Ugh. You all suck.” She flounced away. “Mia!”
River snickered into his cup. “Someone’s in trouble.”
“Why would I be in trouble?” Noah asked.
“Because you just ignored your date. I know you don’t know her as well as we do, but my dude, that is one chick you don’t want to cross.”