Page 3 of Best Served Cold
“Kinda like how they say we’re getting older, but we’re actually just slowly dying,” Rath said.
“Exactly!” River practically cheered.
“What about when you’re being chased by a murderer?” Rath asked. “Wouldn’t both of you be running for your life?”
“Zane,” Gray said my name solemnly, “I think we lost control of the conversation.”
“Do we ever have control of things with those two around?”
“Fair point.” Gray half-shrugged. “At least they keep things interesting.”
“Thank fuck Jerry put you on our team.” River got up on his knees and leaned over me, his fist out for Rath to bump.
“Awww, you’re just saying that because I’m tall enough to hold the sheets up while you do the ceilings.” Grinning, he bumped River’s fist.
“You’re the same height as us,” I said before I could remind myself to not engage with him.
“Am I?” He shifted his gaze to me, that big, dumb smile still on his annoying face. “I keep forgetting because you’re so scrawny.”
“Oof. Shots fired.” Gray elbowed me. I didn’t pass that one along.
“Scrawny?” River pulled himself up to his full height and squared his shoulders. “How much do you weigh?”
My brother and I had the same build as Gray, and none of us were scrawny. At six-two and just over two hundred pounds, we had the same wide shoulders, thick legs, and broad chests that Rath had.
We were also more heavily muscled and cut than Rath, but he was stronger.
“Two-forty.” He grinned.
“And it’s all in your ass.”
He tossed a grin at me. “Jealous?”
“Of what?” I schooled my expression into my usual bored neutral.
“Of my bubble butt.”
“You mean your giant ass? There’s nothing bubble about what you’ve got going on behind you.”
Rath just grinned wider. “Hey, Gray?”
“As a guy who likes guys, what do you think of my ass?”
“I wouldn’t kick it out of bed for eating biscuits.”
River dissolved into laughter. “What? How can a butt eat anything?”
“Tell me you don’t do anal, without telling me you don’t do anal.” Gray leaned around me and flicked River’s knee.
“I mean, some girls are into that too, so are you sure you’re the only butt bandit here?” He reached over me and smacked Gray’s thigh.
“Butt bandit?” Gray and Rath asked together, both shaking with the effort of not bursting into laughter.
“Sounded good in my head.” River grinned and leaned back on his hands. “Point is, I’m not the buttsex newbie you ASS-ume I am.”