Page 41 of Best Served Cold
“Sure. What do you recommend?”
His eyes lit up. “Are you a beer guy, or a booze guy?”
“How about a legspreader?”
“Never had one.”
He grinned. “They’re popular. Rum based with fruit accents. Any allergies to pineapple or strawberries?”
“Nope. Sounds good.”
I couldn’t not stare at the bartender as he made my drink. I usually didn’t order cocktails or mixed drinks when I went out since they tended to go down quicker than beer, but I was on a one-drink limit tonight so I could splurge.
“Yo, Jett.” Another bartender, this one nearly a full head shorter and wearing a sheer sleeveless top, came to stand next to him.
My eyes were drawn to the scars under his pecs. I looked away, not wanting to be rude.
“What’s up?” Jett answered as he sliced the side of a plump strawberry.
“Where’re the copper mugs? Did someone move them?”
“Check the dishwasher. I used the last one a while ago.” Jett slid the strawberry onto the side of the glass and popped a straw into it.
“Thanks.” The other bartender hurried away.
“There you go.” He pushed the glass toward me. “Do you want to open a tab, or settle as you go?”
“I’ll settle.” I put a bill on the bar top after he gave me the total. Cheaper than I’d expected. “Keep the change.”
“Thanks.” He took the bill and winked. “Enjoy popping your cherry.”
I chuckled and swirled my drink out of habit. “I’ll try.”
Jett gave me one more knowing grin and sidled down the bar to a couple who seemed more interested in sucking face than they were in getting a drink.
Putting the straw to my lips, I scanned the tables for a place to sit.
The drink was good. Sweet and fruity with barely a hint of the alcohol burn that helped me pace myself. Yup, definitely only having one drink tonight.
Most of the tables near the bar were taken, as were the booths off to one side, but a few small tables near the little cubicle things were free.
The dancer who’d been on stage when I walked in had finished his set, and an instrumental version of an old pop song played in the background as I made my way to a table in the back and slid into the chair.
I spent the next thirty minutes nursing my drink and half watching the dancers who performed. All were gorgeous and talented, but one in particular really stood out.
The DJ had announced him as Stone, and while I couldn’t be sure, it looked like the same guy from River’s drawing, the one River said was in porn.
Stone was an incredible dancer, but it was his stage presence that captivated me. He knew exactly how to work the audience, and by the time his set was over, the stage was littered with bills and a horde of men stood at the platform off to the side where people could give dancers tips.
Now that I had a name, I looked him up on my phone. I’d never seen any of his work, but a quick search told me he was not only prolific in the industry, but also popular.
The strange thing was that it looked like he only did straight porn. Was he straight, or maybe he was bi?
I put my straw to my lips and went to take a sip, but the barely flavored water that flooded my mouth alerted me that my glass was empty.
Should I leave? I’d had my drink and hadn’t seen Zane, River, or even Gray. Maybe this was the universe’s way of telling me this was a bad idea and it was giving me an out.