Page 129 of Left on Read
Quinn: yeah
Quinn: I’ve been setting up my next business venture now that I’m retired
Quinn: it’s a contracting business
I glanced at Zane. “A contracting business?”
“Makes sense. His dad owns one.”
“That’s right. I forgot about that. And he’s got the skills. Remember how fast we got his deck up? He was right there with us every step of the way.”
Zane nodded. “This could be a really good thing.”
Our phones, which had gone dark, lit up with messages.
Nick: jesus take the wheel is there anything you can’t do???
Nick: dagnabit
He put up a GIF of someone pulling a box with ‘shame’ written on it over their head.
“Dagnabit?” I said the word phonetically. “Is that autocorrect?”
“I think that was Nickalese for dammit.” Zane snickered. “That kid is hilarious.”
I looked back down at my screen as Quinn’s next message came in.
Quinn: you’re fine kiddo. Never stop being you
Quinn: But back to what I was saying
Quinn: I’m starting a contracting business and I need a crew. What do you say? Do you think you might want to work for me?
Gray: hell yeah
Noah: yes
Zane: fucking a
River: yes x 1000
Our replies appeared so quickly they almost seemed to post as one big message and not four individual ones.
Quinn: lol. I love the enthusiasm but you should hear all the details and take a look at the contracts before you decide anything
Zane: don’t need to
River: well sign whatever
Gray: we trust you
Noah: still a yes from me
Quinn: I’ll take those as tentative yesses. I want you to look over everything first so you can make an informed decision.
Nick: can I be an honorary part of the crew? Maybe a supervisor?
Nick: I just wanna wear a cool hat and hold a clipboard and look like Im important