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“Because I invited them.”
He narrowed his eyes adorably at my vague answers. “You’re doing this on purpose.”
I shot him a cheeky grin, then pantomimed zipping my lips.
“You’re lucky I love you.” He poked me in the side.
“Yes, I am.” I leaned in and kissed him. He eagerly kissed me back.
“I feel like you should be charging admission when you do that.”
Hayden pulled away and looked over my shoulder. “Ryan?”
“Yo.” He grinned and made a shooing motion to Zane. “Slide over, Z.”
Zane got up and let Ryan get in first.
“I’m so confused.” Hayden pushed his glasses up his nose.
“Trust the process.” Ryan winked at him.
Hayden pulled a face and leaned into me.
I held him close and tamped down my excitement so I didn’t ruin the surprise.
I’d been planning today for almost a month, and now that it was finally happening, I could barely stop myself from blurting everything out.
Zane shot me an encouraging look, helping me calm down.
“So, how’s your day been so far?” I asked Hayden to pass the time.
“Any new gossip?”
“Are we late?” Nick scurried up to the table and came skidding to a stop beside me. “I’m not late, right? If I am, it’s his fault.” He pointed to Quinn as he approached the table.
“Way to throw me under the bus there, kid.” Quinn scrubbed his knuckles over Nick’s hair.
“Like I’m gonna throw myself under anything.” He ducked away from Quinn. “Except Evan.” He waggled his eyebrows. “He said hi, BTW. Oh, and he said to order whatever we want.”
Hayden’s brow knitted in confusion. “Evan’s paying for lunch?”
“He was supposed to be here but had to go do adult stuff. So we get to abuse his credit card instead of mine today.” Nick shoved my shoulder. “Scooch down. Everyone else is right behind us.”
“How about we move to a bigger table? Quinn suggested. “How about that one?” He pointed to a round table with enough chairs for everyone.
“Can we just move like that?” Hayden looked around just as the doors to the restaurant opened and Gray and Noah walked in.
I’d hoped all the significant others could join us today, but trying to coordinate that many schedules had proven a little too complicated.
“You can when you rent out the restaurant,” Nick said like it was no big deal.
I supposed when your boyfriend was an insanely rich businessman and you ran your own successful clothing line, renting out restaurants was just what you did.
“I’m starting to freak out a bit,” Hayden whispered as we all moved to the bigger table.
“Don’t. I promise this is a good thing.”