Page 21 of Left on Read
River: they’re floor models so the discount is steep
Hayden: I really like the mahogany one.
River: me too! I don’t think that ones gonna last when he advertises it
Hayden: How do I buy it? Do I call him or…
River: just give me the go ahead and I’ll grab it from him and bring it to you
Hayden: Really? Are you sure you have time?
River: I’m off today so I’ve got nothing but time
River: oh shit
River: do you have plans? I can see if he can hold it for a few days
Hayden: No plans. Just don’t want to mess up your Sunday.
River: how about you take a bit to think about if you want it or not and let me know so you have a chance to make sure it’s what you want
Hayden: I want it. I’d be stupid not to at that price. It’s exactly what I pictured when I was cosplaying as a handy guy.
River: lol so that’s a yes?
Hayden: That’s a yes. Should I Venmo you the money?
River: whatever’s easier. Cash is fine too
Hayden: Really?
River: totally
Hayden: But what if I rip you off and don’t pay you? Not that I’d do that. But I could.
River: you could. But it’s not like I’m out of options. I can either sell it myself or get my money back from Quinn’s contact
Hayden: As long as you’re sure.
River: I’m sure
Hayden: Thanks. I’ll be home all day.
River: awesome. I’ll message a time and see you then
River: about an hour good?
Hayden: Yeah, see you then.
River: see ya!
That last message had come in just over an hour ago, and I was standing at my front door peeking out of the side window every time I heard a car go by like a lunatic.
Why was River being so nice to me? Not that I didn’t appreciate it, because I absolutely did, but it didn’t make sense. No one was this nice to people they’d just met. No one put this kind of effort into helping a stranger they bought stuff from.
Did it mean something?
No, of course it didn’t. He was just being nice.