Page 34 of Left on Read
His lips pressed against mine, firmer and with more pressure, but still achingly sweet and soft.
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been kissed like this. Where it was about seduction and teasing and not about getting hot and heavy right off the bat.
His tongue brushed my lip. He swallowed my moan and dipped into my mouth.
My head was spinning in the best way. I gripped his hips to anchor myself.
He made an encouraging sound and deepened the kiss, but only slightly.
Taking a chance, I slipped my hands under his shirt and stroked the smooth skin of his back.
River made another of those sounds and stepped closer, pressing our bodies together.
Holy shit. He was hard?
My own dick had gone into hiding after River jumped back from my fumbling kiss, but knowing he was turned on was enough to jumpstart it back to life, and I was rocking a boner in no time.
River’s groan was low and rumbly and did things to my insides, but it was how he kept the kiss soft and exploratory that made me lightheaded.
I could only hold on for dear life as River kissed me with so much tenderness it stole not only my thoughts, but also my strength.
My knees buckled. River wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close to steady me.
Then he was walking me backward, half dragging me, until my back hit the wall, and he pressed me against it with his hot, hard body.
Jesus Christ, he was perfect. Now that my brain was sort of working again, I could focus on the little things like how solid his chest was, how strong he was, but how he still managed to be gentle as he pinned me against the wall.
His cock dug into my stomach, and his stubble scraped and scratched my skin, sending shivers of awareness through me as he deepened the kiss.
His hands moved down my neck, over my shoulders, and down my arms. He shackled my wrists and gently held them against the wall.
“Oh!” I gasped against his kiss.
“This okay?” he asked, his lips hovering over mine.
“Yeah,” I croaked, my brain short-circuiting at the move.
I’d always wanted someone to do this to me, to pin me to the wall and kiss the shit out of me, but no one ever had.
River’s lips met mine in another kiss, only this one was deep and hot, evolving into a battle of lips and teeth as he rocked my world, bringing one of my fantasies to life like he had a direct link into my deepest, darkest desires.
When he finally pulled away, we were both gasping for breath. It took a moment for the fog to clear from my glasses, but I was too stunned to really notice.
“Definitely not straight,” he muttered, his eyes still on my lips.
His were kiss-swollen and red, and around his mouth was pink with beard burn.
I blinked at him, unable to form words just yet.
“I…” He pressed a sweet kiss against my lips, then stepped back.
It took more effort than I’d ever admit to not slide down the wall at the loss of his body against mine.
“I should go.” He licked his lips, an unreadable expression on his face. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“’Kay.” I swallowed. “Soon.”
He paused, his eyes still on my face, then turned on his heel and left my house, grabbing his hoodie from the hook by the door as he did.