Page 85 of Left on Read
“Are you still working on those commissions for Quinn?” he asked.
“Yup.” I rubbed my cheek against his soft hair. “I’m almost done with the first one.”
“Can I see?”
“Go for it. You know I don’t mind.”
Reluctantly, I pulled my arm from his shoulders so he could sit up.
He slid my sketchbook off the table and carefully flipped it open to the page I had marked with a sticky tab.
“Wow.” He leaned closer to study the page. “You’re so talented. This is amazing. Quinn is going to love it.”
“I hope so.” My stomach flip-flopped at his compliment.
A few months ago, I’d given Quinn a portrait I’d drawn of him as a gift. He loved it so much he asked if he could commission a series of portraits for his spicy content business. He insisted on paying me even though I offered to do them for free because we were friends. He told me that friends supported each other, and he wanted to pay me for my time and talent like any other artist.
It was the first time anyone had ever offered to pay me for my work. It made me feel like an actual artist and not just a guy who liked to doodle.
Hayden turned to the next page, which was a portrait of him I’d been working on. “Holy shit. That’s me?”
“Unless you have a secret twin,” I joked.
“I just… You made me look like a model.” He chuckled. “Not like the mess I am.”
“That’s how I see you.”
He looked at me in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah.” I tugged the sketchbook out of his hands and put it back on the table. “That’s how you look to me.”
He smiled, but it was a bit wobbly and crooked.
Not wanting to mess with the chill vibe of the night, I held my arm out again.
He immediately snuggled into my side.
“Did you get everything done?” I asked, resting my cheek on the top of his head.
“Most of it. I can finish the rest tomorrow during my prep period.”
“Do you want to come to the club on Saturday next week?” I asked after a pause.
“What?” He stiffened.
“There’s an LGBT event. I thought it might be fun for you to see me dance and where I work.”
“I…” He pulled away and sat up straight, his eyes downcast and his cheeks pink with a blush. “I need to tell you something.”
“I kinda already saw you at work.” He peeked up at me through his lashes.
“You did?” I cycled through my memories. “Did I know this?”
“No.” He covered his face with his hands. “I’m so sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? Hayden, look at me,” I said gently when he didn’t answer.