Page 15 of Dad Next Door
“Anytime.” He smiled and raked his hand through his dark hair, messing up the already chaotic strands. “I’ve dealt with them for years. I know their playbook.”
“I might need to get the tea from you so I can get a handle on what I’m dealing with.”
“Tea?” Tristan asked.
“Deets,” Nick said.
Tristan shot me a baffled look.
“The playbook,” I clarified.
“Oh, right.” He chuckled, the tips of his ears going red. “I’m happy to share any time.”
“Bye, Quinn.” Leo waved and grabbed his dad’s hand.
“Bye.” I waved back. “See you around.”
“Our hero,” River drawled when Tristan and Leo were back on their property.
“Shut up.” I punched his shoulder.
“Can I get your autograph, Spiderman?” Nick batted his eyelashes at me.
“I hate all of you right now.”
“No, you don’t,” Zane smirked.
“He seems nice,” Gray said, helping Nick pick up the water bottles he’d dropped before we’d been interrupted by Michelle and Kevin. “At least there’s one non-asshole around.”
“Yeah, thank fuck for that.” I motioned to the walkway. “Now I’m glad everyone else on the street either ignores me or stares while pretending to not stare.”
“Adults suck.” Nick rearranged the bottles in his arms.
“And not in a good way.” Gray hip checked Nick again, which caused him to bobble the bottles.
“Eep.” Nick managed to not drop anything this time around. “Imma go inside before I start smacking people with these.”
“Sounds good.” I glanced at the other guys. “Ready to finish up? Or do we need more of a break?”
“I suppose we can get back to work. As long as there’s snacks after,” River said.
“I recall that we were also promised dinner.” Gray elbowed me.
“And beer,” Noah added.
“You’ll get it when you’re done working.” I pretended to scold them.
Nick tsked. “One minute you’re Spiderman, and the next you’re like that editor dude who keeps yelling at that reporter guy to get pictures of Spiderman.”
“So Spiderman took pictures of himself and sold them to that editor dude, right? Was that like the original OnlyFans?” River mused.
Gray snickered. “Can you imagine Spiderman selling nudes?”
“I mean, I’d sub to it,” River said.
“Same,” Noah and Zane said together.
Nick took a step toward my house. “I’m totally not gonna go search for that on my phone while you guys are out here doing your working thing.”