Page 38 of Dad Next Door
Trrrr. Trrrr. Trrrr.
Curiously, I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. Who was texting me at this hour?
My mouth went dry when I saw Quinn’s name.
There was no way he could know I’d just finished looking at his content, but guilt still prickled at me as I opened my texts.
Quinn: I can’t remember if you said the dress code for the wedding is black tie or business
Tristan: it’s black tie. Do you have a tux? I can rent one for you if you don’t
Quinn: I’ve got one. I should probably make sure it still fits tho. It’s been a few years since I wore it
Tristan: are you sure you still want to go with me?
Quinn: of course
Quinn: why?
Tristan: I just don’t want you to feel like you have to if that was a wine offer
Quinn: it wasn’t a wine offer. I was tipsy last night but that doesn’t change anything
Quinn: remember how you told me you feel guilty accepting help? This isn’t me offering to help you. This is me offering to go to a wedding with you so we can have fun and make Simon’s head explode
Tristan: thanks. I’m trying to get better about the whole ‘my existence is a burden’ thing
Quinn: it takes time to unlearn that kind of training. You’ll get there.
Tristan: one step at a time, right?
Quinn: exactly
Quinn: how did you feel today?
Tristan: are you asking if I was hung over?
Quinn: maybe
Tristan: I was fine. Little bit of a struggle to get out of bed but a big breakfast and extra coffee was enough to get me back on track
Tristan: Please make sure I eat while I drink at the wedding. No one wants to see sloppy Tristan
Quinn: I mean, I kinda do
He sent one of the silly-faced emoji, the one where it was winking and had its tongue out.
Tristan: how about we save that for a night where I don’t have to worry about not punching my ex in the face if he gets too uppity
Quinn: deal
Quinn: how do you feel about arriving at the wedding in style?
Tristan: what do you mean?
Quinn: a limo makes a bigger statement than an Uber
Tristan: it would. I can look into renting one