Page 58 of Dad Next Door
“Low-key sounds good. I don’t think either of us is in the right headspace to be making any firm decisions about what that will look like. But I think that’s best for both of us.”
“I think so too.” He smiled. “I guess our fake date wasn’t all that fake after all.”
“I guess not.” I chuckled. “Tonight has been a rollercoaster.”
“It really has.” He scrubbed his hand through his messy hair.
“How’s your head?”
“Less busy, but still loud as fuck.” He shot me a wry smile.
“Will you be able to sleep tonight?”
“Probably not, but what else is new. Gotta love ADHD brain and sleep disorders.”
“What’s the name of the disorder you have again? I think Lydia has it, or something like it.”
“Delayed sleep phase disorder.”
I’d done some cursory research when Quinn told me about it but hadn’t gone too in-depth. From what I’d read, the disorder shifted his circadian clock and rhythms, so his natural sleep cycles started in the middle of the night and not the late evening like most people. It went beyond just being a night owl or enjoying staying up late and made it extremely difficult for him to follow a typical sleep schedule, and sleep aids didn’t work for him either.
My sister struggled with the same issues. I made a mental note to look deeper into it and pass the information on to her so she could do her own research.
We sat there in silence for a few beats.
“I guess I’ll see you later?” Quinn asked, looking shy again.
Something about his shyness pushed all my buttons. It showed how much he trusted me that he wasn’t hiding his vulnerability.
I was about to ask if he wanted to hang out tomorrow but paused. “Do you have that event at the club tomorrow night? And aren’t you doing something for your business tomorrow too?”
He nodded. “My dad and I are checking out some office spaces. The event is an early one. I’ll be off at eleven.” He stood and brushed his hands off on his thighs.
“Right when I’m supposed to be fast asleep.” I stood and draped my discarded jacket over my arm.
“Yeah. I’m not looking forward to flipping to big people hours.” He wrinkled his nose. “Of course I’d pick a new career where getting up at the ass crack of dawn is normal.”
“The ass crack of dawn?” I spluttered. “I’ve never heard that before.”
“The twins taught me that one. I like it.”
“Now I’m picturing a sunrise, but the sun looks like a giant ass.”
He grinned. “Sorry, not sorry.”
“I should go.” I waved half-heartedly toward his front door.
“Yeah. It’s late.” His eyes fell to my mouth.
“Would I be reading the room wrong if I kissed you goodbye?” I asked, taking the lead.
Rather than answer, he closed the distance between us in two steps.
Gently, he cupped my cheeks, his skin soft and warm against mine. A shiver of anticipation tickled my chest as he leaned in.
His kiss was soft and sweet as he sipped at my lips.
I loved that his instinct wasn’t to go hard or deep right off the bat. How he was confident enough to kiss me but still had an air of shyness about him.