Page 35 of Below Fated Skies
Wishing desperately she could take back her insensitivity, she focused on the pack members moving towards the great hall. The wolf at her side nudged her gently with his shoulder.
“Come on, let’s go make sure everyone gets one in the butt.”
Laughing stiffly, Cortana followed him into the throng. Nico and Ava were distributing vaccines. Fortunately, it looked like Riaz had it well in hand, running through a list on a clipboard and hollering out names.
By the time they drew up to his side, Arno was nodding fervently. “Everything looks good. All our numbers are accurate here. The same can’t be said of our armory.”
Riaz asked, “Our armory?”
“We’re missing a sidearm. I keep getting one off in the counts.”
“It’s probably my fault.” Riaz’s eyes narrowed conspiratorially. “I probably didn’t sign something out. Wouldn’t be the first time!”
Arno offered him a withering glare. “I wouldn’t be surprised, alpha.”
“I’ll check my quarters when I get back and bring it back like a good wolf.”
“When have you ever been a good wolf?”
The comment was out of Cortana’s mouth before she could stop it. All three men around her burst into riotous laughter, and she couldn’t help but grin. Fisting her hands on her hips, she stared down Riaz as the wolf tried to look solemn and failed miserably.
“She’s got your number, alpha,” Arno chuckled.
Ava trotted up to them, toting three vaccines. “Alright, kids, time to get poked.”
While Arno and Gadriel gladly accepted theirs, Riaz waved her off dismissively. “Give it to the next person on the list.”
“You’re next on the list, alpha.” The bland stare she wore communicated her upset. “All pack who do field work. That’s you.”
“Don’t care. Next person.”
His wolf appeared behind his eyes, challenging the blonde woman who was his second. Though she gave it a valiant effort, Ava couldn’t withstand the dominance in his eyes, submitting with a growl.
“If you go feral because you were too stubborn to get the vaccine, I’ll skin you and wear your pelt like a cape.”
“Looking forward to it, Ava. Now run along.”
Riaz’ attention went back to the list in hand, skimming down the names and checking them off as his betas each got their vaccination. As he spoke with several packmates about side effects and the next shipment, a young wolf jogged in, making a beeline to Riaz.
“Alpha!” Benny called. “Can I get my vaccine?”
Riaz gave the younger man with an apologetic smile. “You’re not qualified for field work yet, Benny. But be patient, pup, your time will come.”
Benny offered a low whine, pouting. “Please, alpha? I almost beat Cortana!”
For the second time that night, all of them burst out laughing.
Hours later, after every vaccine had found an arm, Cortana shadowed Riaz and Ava toward the den’s exterior, the three of them talking animatedly about the Immortal Accords. The doctrine had been drafted for peace between the immortal societies nearly three years ago, after the Citizens of the Light had made their first move.
Since then, the delegates had concocted fail-safes for the dangers the Citizens posed. For attacks on their people, attempted assassinations, even for what the terrorist organization had deemed ‘The Choke’. They predicted it to be some type of airborne poison toxic to immortals.
Unfortunately, the fail-safe for that particular attack only had one solution: an air Elemental named Jeremiah. The remainder of the plans, fortunately, included multiple response teams.
Cool night air kissed her senses as the three of them emerged outdoors. She drew in a deep breath, savoring the fresh pine scent, and immediately, Cortana’s attention was drawn to the west.
Beyond the line of mountains was an orange-red glow. “What is that?”
“Wildfire,” Riaz answered, his gaze never leaving the illuminated sky. “The winds are changing direction, Ava. Our den might be in the path; we need to prepare for evacuation.”