Page 84 of Below Fated Skies
Riaz couldn’t help but ask for clarification. “You have several mates, do you?”
“Only one perfect one. That’s all I need.”
When her lips descended on his, all good packing intentions were lost.
Three days and several plane rides later, Riaz and Cortana were bathing in the soft moonlight of Estes Park, their steps measured and slow while they walked the well-beaten path to the den together.
Pack territory had been saved from wildfires, thanks in large part of Toni. When he’d offered her the gratitude of an alpha, the young Elemental had raved about his daring rescues in New York, and officially classified them ‘even stevens’.
Whatever that meant.
He had wanted to play hide and seek again to celebrate their return, but of course his mate had other ideas. He had to admit that following behind her did have its advantages: the view, for one, was spectacular.
Cortana was suitably shocked when she’d walked into his spotless office. Eyes wide and blinking, she gaped. “What happened to your office?”
Riaz walked past her and sat at the desk, leaning back in his chair. “I rage cleaned it after you left.”
Masking the laughter that threatened, her head swiveled on her neck. “Where are all the papers and your piles o’ fun?”
“Stored away, with an organization system approved by my betas. I even let them back some of it electronically.” He raised his chin defiantly. “See? I can do stuff.”
This time, the laughter escaped. “You can do stuff, huh?” She walked around the desk, lifting herself onto the gleaming surface to stare directly into his eyes. “I thought your method was ‘working for you and your wolf?’”
“I never said my method was perfect, Pet.”
Emotion egged her on, the need for him to ravish her atop his desk almost painfully strong. Hormones kicked into gear, and for a second, she wished she’d closed the door on her way in and they didn’t have to worry about anyone interrupting their rendezvous.
But they did have company—and Cortana wasn’t a fan of public displays of affection.
Chuckling into the kiss, she retreated. Confusion momentarily splashed over his features before his eyes flicked up and over her shoulder to lock on their incoming comrade.
Though weary from the grueling pace she must’ve taken, Ava’s shoulders no longer held the tension that’d knotted them when the Raeth had appeared in her office. “Alpha. I wanted to inform you that I’ve returned. And to congratulate you both on your mating.”
As with any good wolf, she’d have known when her alpha had mated, and to whom. Riaz beamed and replied, “Thanks, Ava, though I think I got the better end of the deal.”
“Oh, you definitely did,” Cortana said with humorous sincerity, the half-smile aimed in his direction following the comment only succeeded in making him beam even brighter.
“Aw, what a tragically sappy display of love.” Plopping into a guest chair, Ava swung a booted leg over the side and changed topics. “What’s this I hear about you giving away the keys to our den to a Raeth?”
Cortana didn’t miss the way Riaz bristled momentarily. “Cortana needs to be able to get back and forth to D’Ancouer easily. Remmus was the logical choice.”
Blank, Ava’s features continued to sear into Riaz’s, and instantly, Cortana knew what plagued her wasn’t merely superficial. Something far deeper had jaded her against Raethkind, and the protective side of her nature rose to the surface.
“Do you not want him here, Ava?”
The question, quiet but composed, caught Ava off guard. “My past is … difficult, Cortana, and Raeths were never kind to me. But it’s a means to an end, and I wouldn’t deny you the ease of teleportation to ensure your pack is well cared for.”
“I appreciate that, Ava, and if you ever need to change that arrangement, please tell me.”
“Of course.” The other woman offered them a bittersweet smile. “In other news, I’ve dug into what we could find at the plant. They didn’t leave much, but in their haste to clear out, they forgot to clear the filing cabinets in the basement. We found a few things worth pursuing.”
“Like what?”
“There were several mentions of a sister facility near St. Louis,” she revealed. “It’s worth looking into.”