Page 73 of Unseen Danger
The welcomes and smiles from Bris, Sof, and the others were dampened more than usual this morning. Probably because they’d heard what had happened.
As Phoenix crossed the room to her armchair on the far side, Nevaeh went to the love seat where Jazz sat, Flash lying on the floor with his head on her feet.
“Hey.” Jazz’s green eyes held concern as Nevaeh sank into the cushion beside her. She rubbed Nevaeh’s shoulder with a comforting hand. Jazz had already shared her worry and frustration when she’d called as soon as she got off patrol at D-Chop’s a half hour ago. Frustration because she hadn’t been able to leave and go to Nevaeh right away. Phoenix had told her to stay on duty when she’d notified the team via text that something had happened.
“Some coffee?” Cora’s soft voice drew Nevaeh’s gaze to the blonde who bent close and held a steaming mug out to her.
Jana had apparently followed Cora over, and the golden greeted Alvarez with the usual tail wags and sniffing.
Nevaeh caught a whiff of caramel. “Flavored again?”
Cora smiled. “We may have to make it a permanent treat if you keep earning it.”
Nevaeh laughed. “One way or another, I guess.” She took the mug. “Thanks.”
Cora straightened. “We’re all so sorry for what happened, Nevaeh. But so thankful God protected you.”
“I think Alvarez and Phoenix took care of that.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Nevaeh wanted to pull them back. She didn’t usually flat-out contradict any of the team members’ Christian stuff. They were free to believe whatever they wanted. But something about Cora’s words this time, or maybe the situation, sparked irritation in her chest. God wasn’t in the business of protecting Nevaeh. That much had been proven.
Still, she wanted to kick herself for causing the awkward silence that filled the room.
Cora’s sweet expression didn’t waver, making the guilt even worse.
Nevaeh scrambled for something to say. “I don’t think he wanted to hurt me anyway. Just scare me.”
Cora walked back to the sofa she’d been sharing with Sof when Nevaeh and Phoenix had arrived.
But Jana decided to stay with Nevaeh for some reason. The golden sat down in the place by Nevaeh’s leg that Al vacated, the rottie mix apparently headed for the open carpet where he could rest without a crowd.
“But who would want to do that?” Bris leaned forward in the other armchair, the movement drawing Toby to her for some petting. She obliged, her mouth curving into a smile as the black Lab pushed his head into her palm.
“It would be strange for this to happen out of the blue.” Sof aimed her dark eyes at Nevaeh. Raksa slept on the short carpeting a couple feet from her, probably exhausted from the overnight patrol. “Did you notice anything else unusual lately? Anyone watching you?”
Nevaeh glanced at Jazz before answering.
Jazz didn’t nod, but her eyes said she thought she should tell them. Nevaeh had planned to tell Phoenix last night anyway, but the boss hadn’t asked questions. Just told Nevaeh to get some rest while she guarded the house.
“I thought I was maybe being followed a couple of times.”
“You mean when you were driving?” Bris’s eyebrows lifted above her gray-blue eyes.
“Yes. And when I was outside the school my nieces and nephews go to.”
Sof, Bris, and Cora looked toward Phoenix. Nevaeh did the same, her stomach clenching at what she might see.
Would Phoenix be mad? Not that she’d show it on her face if she were. Did she even get mad like regular people? The random thoughts bought Nevaeh time to see that the boss’s expression was as unreadable as always. Who knew what she was thinking or feeling? If she felt at all. The woman clearly thought circles around pretty much everyone.
“Tell us everything that happened leading up to last night.” Phoenix’s deep voice was steady and firm.
Nevaeh opened her mouth to say she wasn’t sure about any of it.
“Everything.” Phoenix read her mind. “Even what you aren’t certain of.”
Nevaeh moistened her lips. “Okay.” She told them all she could remember, working backward from last night to two nights before when the truck had been parked on her street. She told them about seeing it following her on the freeway and the morning Lillibet said she saw a man watching them. Then she finished with the first night outside the PowerSource Center when she’d felt like she was being watched.
Jazz sucked in a breath. “Oh, Nev.” All the women stared at Jazz, but she watched Nevaeh. “That night at PowerSource, when Flash and I went to clear the parking lot, I saw a black Ram. It was parked by…” her gaze went to the ceiling as she thought, “a gray sedan and a black SUV.”
“Did it have mud spattered on it?”