Page 75 of Unseen Danger
“We don’t tolerate threats on this agency. Since the police have not been invited to be involved in this case, we’ll need to solve it ourselves to ensure Nevaeh’s safety.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” Sof grinned.
“Me, too.” Bris added a big smile.
Nevaeh’s heart swelled behind her ribs. These girls were the best. Especially Phoenix. She gave the boss a look she hoped expressed her relief, but Phoenix was already focusing on Cora.
Cora looked up from her screen. “Right. The list I have so far is short since I only know about D-Chop’s basic staff and his publicly known associates.”
Nevaeh blinked. That’s more than she’d have expected Cora to have since they weren’t investigating the case until ten seconds ago.
“Marsha Phillips, live-in housekeeper.” Cora read off the screen. “Peter Volrath, personal assistant, Jaycee Hyman, the maid who comes in daily, and band members JipJag, Pinky, B-Puff, Kicker, and Leeman.”
Bris and Sof snickered, drawing Cora’s gaze.
She smiled over her computer. “I’ll have to do more research to find their legal names.”
“Kicker’s name is Eddie Bosworth.”
Cora’s gaze jumped to Nevaeh.
“He told me when I was waiting with him for the EMTs.”
Cora smiled. “Excellent. That will save me some time.” She looked back down at her computer. “Then there’s D-Chop’s wife, soon-to-be divorced, Jill Jacquet.” Her gaze lifted. “We know the security team is Branson Aaberg, Darren Tremblay, and Louis Kursko. They all have impeccable records, but I thought we should include them.”
Sof nodded. “Records don’t tell the whole story.”
That was for sure. Walter had a great record while in jail. He’d even earned privileges for good behavior, working his way up to the inmate maintenance crew.
She pushed her mind away from him and back to Cora’s voice as quickly as she could.
“I think we’ll need more information about D-Chop. I’m sure he has more associates than I’m aware of, from his past and now.”
“We can ask Branson when we go on patrol.” Jazz looked at Cora.
“Good idea.” Cora nodded. “I can do more extensive research, as well, given more time.”
“We should probably investigate other theories, too.” All eyes went to Bris. “I agree this could be about D-Chop. But we don’t want to overlook other possibilities, right?”
Sof brought her gaze to Nevaeh again. “She has a good point. Are there other people in your past who might have reason to stalk you or bother you now?”
The truth she’d been hoping to avoid stuck like a lump in her throat. Silence hung thick in the room as they waited for her to say something. Could she talk about it without…
She moved her gaze over these women’s faces. Her sisters.
Only Sof and Bris didn’t know now. At least she guessed Cora knew part of it from having access to their employee files.
None of them would ever use the information against her. She knew that. They would only support her one hundred percent like always. Maybe two hundred percent if they knew what had happened.
She struggled to pull in a thin breath. “Yes.” She pushed out the word. Once that one was out, others followed more easily. “I worked as a correctional officer at Whitlow Heights Prison. While I was there…” She dropped her gaze to her lap. Her hands trembled. She should’ve brought Cannenta with her.
Jazz put her hand on Nevaeh’s leg. “Do you want me to…”
“No.” The touch gave Nevaeh the courage she needed to lift her head again. To meet the gazes of her sisters as they watched her. No pressure. Just compassion and love. She took in another breath. “An inmate attacked me.”
Frowns marked the girls’ faces, their concern almost palpable as they listened.