Page 78 of Unseen Danger
Most of the possible suspects, she could handle like nothing. She’d like to see the spoiled, social media sensation Jill Jacquet try to come after her. And even a lot of men she could face and take down on her own.
“We’ll find the person behind this threat.” The angle of Phoenix’s head shifted slightly, just enough that the shadow cleared her eyes, and Nevaeh could see they were trained on her. “And we will stop it.”
Phoenix’s confidence should’ve been enough to clear away Nevaeh’s last bits of doubt and anxiety.
But Bris’s remark about Walter needing to be an idiot to come after her lurked in the back of her mind.
No one would ever accuse Walter Johnson of being smart.
Branson checked his watch for probably the tenth time in the last half hour. He returned his gaze to Jill, D-Chop, and their lawyers where the group sat on opposing sides of the dining room table. But he didn’t really see them.
A flawless face with big brown eyes filled his vision instead. Nevaeh and Darren were escorting D-Chop’s children from school to Fun Land now. Darren reported Nevaeh had met him at the school as planned thirty-six minutes ago.
Branson had almost asked to talk to Nevaeh when Darren called. Ever since Jazz told him before she went off shift that morning that something had happened to Nevaeh, he’d been going crazy with worry. It was as if his mind and emotions had hopped on a roller-coaster ride he couldn’t stop.
Jazz hadn’t told him exactly what happened. She’d spit out the information that something had happened to Nevaeh as if she hadn’t meant to say it. She’d clearly been worried about her friend. Which only worried Branson more.
Jazz had said Nevaeh wasn’t hurt. But the deep concern on her face and the way she’d practically run out the door to go to her friend did nothing to back that up.
Nevaeh must be okay, though, since she’d come on duty for the kids’ protection detail as planned. The Phoenix K-9 Agency was professional enough that they would’ve called or sent someone else if she wasn’t able to perform her duties.
The reassurance only slightly loosened the knot that twisted his gut. He needed to see her. Needed to verify for himself that she was all right.
And being okay physically was not the same as being unharmed emotionally. What if whatever happened had worsened her PTSD?
An itching sensation twitched his fingers. If only he could’ve swapped assignments with Darren today. But he couldn’t leave the estate when Jill and her lawyer were scheduled for this meeting with D-Chop.
His number one priority had to be D-Chop’s safety. And if Jill was behind the threatening incidents that had been happening, he couldn’t risk leaving the rapper with anyone but himself. He’d even brought in Louis for the meeting to make sure they were covered if Jill or her lawyer tried anything. And to be able to follow either of them if they wandered off to enact more sabotage.
But the knowledge he was fulfilling his duty and doing his job well was little consolation for the tension compressing his chest. D-Chop was not the person he wanted to protect right now.
He should be protecting Nevaeh.
His heart thudded into his ribs.
When had he started to think that way about her? The night he’d held her in his arms, trying to shield her from the demons in her mind?
No. It was before that. The first time she’d sprung away from him. At the PowerSource Center when he’d startled her, and she’d looked at him with fear in her gorgeous eyes.
He wanted to be the one to protect her from that fear. From any dangers she faced.
In a way, that was normal for him. He wanted to protect anyone in danger. But this was different. It was…personal.
Why did—
“That’s the least you can give me.” Jill’s raised voice grabbed Branson’s attention. “You owe me everything.” She stood and leaned across the table.
“I don’t owe you nothin’.” D-Chop jumped to his feet on the other side and pointed a finger in her face. “You owe me everything!”
“You cheating…”
Branson shut out the expletives Jill screamed as he and Louis stepped forward to break up the celebrity couple before they came to blows.
Protecting Nevaeh and puzzling out his feelings for her would have to wait. She was a capable and strong woman who probably didn’t need his help. He only hoped she might want him around anyway.
It paid to be a celebrity’s kid. D-Chop had rented out the entire Fun Land facility, a building that had probably been a warehouse before it was converted to a family recreational center that featured ball pits, trampolines, arcade games, and every other entertainment a child could want.