Page 43 of Lethal Danger
Her mouth stretched with an answering smile that was probably far too big and eager. “We’re adaptable.”
He glanced down at Flash, who only panted slightly since they’d just been indoors. “As long as there’s air-conditioning, right, buddy?”
And he talked to dogs. Be still her heart.
“I was hoping I’d see you today.”
Jazz had to do a double take to be sure he was talking to her and not Flash this time.
His electric eyes looked right at her.
She swallowed. “Really?”
“Yeah. Before anything else crazy happens, I want to ask you something.”
Like, would she go out with him? Jazz’s heart thumped in her ears. Was Nev right, he was going to ask her on a date?
“Would you let me model my next heroine after you?”
“What?” The word spewed out before she could stop it. Socially inept, as usual.
“Sorry.” He cringed. “It’s probably a strange question. When I met you on the Ferris Wheel—” He grinned. “Sounds like a line from an old movie.” He chuckled and ran a hand down the light stubble coating his jaw. “But seriously, I was blown away.”
“You were?” She didn’t care how breathless she sounded. Or how dreamily she was probably staring at him right now. Did he mean he liked her?
“Yeah. Your skills, your bravery—you’re amazing. Exactly what I need for the lead character in my new series.”
His words finally started to sink in. Along with reality. Of a sort. The blip of disappointment collided with an upsurge of excitement as she absorbed what he was saying. “Wait, so you mean you want to write me into your book?”
“Not just a book, a whole series of books. I want you to be the heroine. Well, the model for her anyway. I wouldn’t want to do anything to violate your privacy, of course. And that’s why I’m asking your permission.”
“Yes!” The response burst out of her, followed by a quick laugh. “I’m honored.” And flattered, flustered, stunned—and all the other things he didn’t need to know.
“Terrific.” His handsome smile broadened to kilowatt strength. Goodness.
A shiver tracked down her spine despite the heat starting to create pockets of sweat under her T-shirt.
“I’d like to buy you dinner tonight.”
Dinner? A date, too?
“To discuss how you became the way you are, your background. Anything you’d be willing to share that would help me flesh out my Jazz Lamont heroine.”
Oh. A business dinner. But with her favorite author, talking all about how he was going to put her in his books? “I’m in.”
“Great. You’ve lived here more recently than I have, so you pick the place. Where do you like to eat?”
Her mind raced through the best options, most of which she’d been to recently on her internet dating flops. The idea of a dinner with Hawthorne going that badly twisted her stomach. “Why don’t we do something different?”
He lifted his eyebrows. “I’m game.”
“I’m planning to go wall-climbing tonight.”
“Perfect. I’m there. You just name the time.”
“Seven at Just Climb It?”
“You got it.” He held out his hand, and she took hold of it. But the firm handshake her dad had drilled into her faltered, probably turning mushy in the soft, tingly heat of his touch.