Page 33 of Midlife Woes (Ex)
Now, mind you, I enjoyed sex with Kevin, but I had nothing to compare it to before. I won’t ever tell my kids that had I met Damon before I met their daddy, they wouldn’t exist.
“What’re you thinking about now?”
“I was thinking that if I’d met you before I married Kevin, I maybe wouldn’t have married him.” Now why would you say that shit out loud, Jolene? Did he fuck you senseless?
“Your ass would’ve been in jail. When you were eighteen, I was only fourteen.”
He don’t have to throw my age in my face, but Heyyyyyyyy. “That’s right, I’m older than you, so mind your manners, you hear?” He smacked my ass and grinned, and I forgave him. I can’t remember what for, but does it really matter?
“Get dressed, wear the softest jeans you can find and a comfortable shirt.”
“Why? Where are we going?”
“You’ll see when we get there.” I found some old jeans that were soft as butter and pulled on a white tee shirt with some logo or the other across the front.
“Wear boots or sneakers.”
“Why? It’s hot as hell.”
“You really didn’t trust your husband ever, did you?”
“What? What makes you say that?”
“Because you question everything I say.”
“Is that what that means? I thought it meant I wanted to know where some stranger that I just met was taking me.” My sass is back in full force. Come at me, bro.
I got my ass yanked up. “It doesn’t matter how long or short a time we’ve known each other; once I fucked you, I claimed you. Now stop asking me stupid questions.”
There is so much I want to say to him, but I couldn’t remember one damn sentence. I decided that it was in my best interest to keep my mouth shut because this one seemed kinda bossy. I think coming here and finding my ex at my door triggered his crazy because what else could be behind his acting like a caveman?
His big old pickup truck took up half my driveway and I felt like a little bitty thing when he had to lift me into my seat. He took the time to pull the seatbelt around me and snap it in place before pulling me towards him for another one of his panty-melting kisses.
I was squirming around in my seat by the time he got in on the driver’s side. He turned the engine, wrapped his free arm around my upper thigh, and reversed out of my driveway.
He drove for the next forty-five minutes with his hand there. Every time he made a turn or came to a hard stop, that hand went higher until his fingers were brushing against my cooch through my jeans.
I thought that was his reason for telling me to wear soft jeans until I realized we were headed into horse country. This is where the Uber rich keep their horse farms, and I was excited because I love this kind of scenery for some reason.
Horses in their paddocks and miles upon miles of ranch fencing with grass as green as the hills of Ireland. He pulled onto this long driveway that seemed to go on for miles until we came to a stop in front of this mansion that had to be twice the size of my house, and my house was a good four thousand square feet.
“You live here?”
“Yup!” When he helped me down and took my hand to lead me to the house, I saw another house, roughly the size of mine, a little ways back from this one.
“Who lives there?”
“My parents, when they come out. That’s the in-law’s suite.” Bless his heart; he has no idea what that means, I guess because that thing is a whole ass house.
Instead of taking me into the house we walked around back to the stables. There were bunkhouses back there that I guess were for the men I saw moving about with bales of hay and other stuff. There was a trainer in the paddock with a horse, and off in the distance, men on four-wheelers were doing something or the other that I couldn’t make out.
He waved at the men we passed, who took off their hats and greeted me. “Ma’am.” Before going back to what they were doing. The stables had even more horses to add to the ones I’d seen in fenced-in paddocks that seemed to go on forever.
“This is beautiful.” Even the grass smelled better out here, and the air felt fresher even with horse manure. He walked to a stall with the most beautiful roan-colored mare, who was busy eating her food.