Page 18 of Saving Stella
One topic she steered clear of was Devon’s childhood, because she had already read his Wikipedia page. One of the sources was from a tabloid that had somehow obtained his CPS records and reported that he’d had five foster parents between the ages of ten and seventeen. Her heart hurt for him, imagining what he had gone through, and so she avoided any topics that involved the past.
However, it was Devon who brought up the topic first.
“In case you were wondering,” he began. “We still don’t have any new information about our parents or sister.”
“Oh.” Stella chewed at her lip. “Devon, can I ask you something?” She figured it was time to address the elephant—or at least one of the several elephants—in the room.
“Do you think our parents are still alive? Our biological parents?”
He caught her gaze head-on. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know.” But something inside her told her that they were probably gone, and from the look on Devon’s face, she knew he was thinking the same.
“We—that is, the New York clan—won’t stop looking for them,” Charley declared. “Unfortunately, we can’t find any information from before you guys were found at the station, but we have our top people working on it.”
“It’s a lot, right?” Devon said with a small smile. “Finding out you have a brother and a sister, and that you’re a Lycan all in the span of weeks. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to know.”
She gazed into his blue eyes, trying to imagine their sister—then remembered she didn’t have to because all she had to do was look in the mirror.
A twin sister.
Her hand crept up to her face as she thought of someone out there with her face. “I’m sure we’ll find her,” she said. “If you found me, then it’s just a matter of time.”
Devon grinned at her. “I hope so too.”
They moved on to lighter topics as they day stretched on, lingering at the table after dinner as they had coffee and dessert. The sky outside had grown dark, and the glittering city lights spread out before them like a blanket of stars.
“Oh my,” Charley said with a yawn. “I can’t believe how long we’ve been here.”
“Tired, babe?” Devon slipped a hand to her belly. “Is the baby bothering you?”
She chuckled. “Only with his or her demand for food.”
“We should get home,” he said. “This was really fun, Stella. I’m so glad you made the trip.”
“Yeah, it was.” This had been better than she’d hope for, and part of her didn’t want to leave Devon so soon. “This really was great. And it was lovely meeting you, Charley.”
“Well, I hope you’re not thinking of leaving right away,” Devon said. “You have the whole week, right?”
“My flight doesn’t leave until Saturday.” Five whole days away.
“Do you think you can spend time with us?”
“Aren’t you busy?” she said. “With your tour and all?”
“We have a break this week; I don’t have to leave until Sunday,” Devon said. “And we’re having this party on Friday night with all of Charley’s family.” He looked meaningfully at her as he said the word family, then touched his ring finger.
“I—” Oh. Friday was the big day. “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Couldn’t you stay with us?” Charley asked. “Devon’s penthouse is humungous, and we have more than enough room. And you’re so far away from the city.”
“I couldn’t.” She shook her head. “My parents paid for the hotel, I wouldn’t want them to think I was ungrateful.”
“Of course, don’t worry about it,” Devon assured her.
“You should let us take you home at least,” Charley offered. “Or Cliff can do it since he’s already—” Her hands clamped over mouth. “Oh shit.”