Page 35 of Saving Stella
“Stella.” Devon’s hand gripped her shoulder. “I know.”
Her eyes quickly met his—and saw the understanding there.
She’d always been easy to read, she supposed. “No, please, let’s not talk about it now,” she whispered.
“What—” Charley’s head ping-ponged between them. “Oh, right. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, this is a happy occasion.” Stella put on a smile. “Let’s not spoil it.”
“We’ll find her.” Devon’s tone was so confident, she almost believed it would happen. “Right, Lizzie?”
“Lizzie is the hacker who found you,” Charley explained.
“Oh. It was you?”
“Yep.” Lizzie’s blue eyes twinkled. “And I swear to you, I’m working on finding your twin night and day. It’s my top priority.”
“Hey, if you’re a genius, how did you find Stella so easily and not her twin?” Jacob asked.
“I am a genius.” Lizzie scowled playfully at her brother. “But searching into government databases is the absolute worst. The systems are often outdated, record-keeping is sloppy, and those old computers are a bitch to deal with. Literal bitches sometimes, and you won’t believe the things they say to me. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen.” She tapped at her chin. “I do have a different theory.”
“What is that?” Devon asked.
“I hate to say it, but it’s either her records are still on paper in a file cabinet somewhere which means I won’t be able to access them or … they simply don’t exist.”
“But why wouldn’t there be any records of her?” Stella asked. “I mean, if they have mine, shouldn’t they have hers too?”
“I don’t know, I’m sorry.” Lizzie smiled at her sympathetically.
“You’re doing your best,” Stella said. “Thank you for that.”
“It’s driving me crazy, not knowing. I’ve tried everything.” Her lips pursed together. “I mean, short of putting your face out there on a missing persons poster and pasting it up all over.” She laughed aloud. “But I promise, I’ll keep trying.”
“Thank you, Lizzie, you’ve done so much.” Devon said. “I really do owe you a lot.”
“You’ve already paid me with unlimited front row seats to your concerts,” she said with a laugh. “Now, I’m starving!” She placed a hand on her belly, which Stella just realized, had a small, but noticeable baby bump. “Where is my fiancé? He said he was going to make a plate for me. I’ll see you around. Jacob, let’s go, I think Mom said she wanted to talk to you about something.”
“See you around, Stella.” Jacob waved goodbye as Lizzie dragged him away.
“I—” She stopped short, as that strange sensation at her neck returned, and this time, she quickly found the source—and her heart jumped into her throat as her gaze clashed with a pair of familiar bright green eyes. Cliff glared at her, eyes blazing and jaw clenched, before he turned away.
What the heck did I do?
“Stella? You okay?” Devon asked.
“Yeah, um … I’m sorry I put a damper on things.”
“No, you did not.” Charley hugged her again. “I’m just so happy. I mean, I know we’re already having a baby and all, I didn’t need a ring.”
“I know, but I wanted everyone to know.” Devon frowned. “I’m just glad the press didn’t ruin this surprise.”
“Well, we weren’t exactly being discreet backstage.” She lifted an eyebrow at him, and he could only grin at her.
“I’m not the noisy one.”
“Ahem.” Stella smirked at them. “Get a room, you two.”
“Oh, I plan to.” He waggled his eyebrows at his fiancée. “But, you’re leaving in a few hours, so let’s enjoy the rest of the party.”