Page 39 of Saving Stella
“Ugh, just go around me.” She released the gas to slow down, hoping they’d take the hint. The other vehicle, however, did not overtake her nor did it slow down—the engine revved harder as it sped up toward her.
Stella screamed as her car spun out of control when the other vehicle crashed into her. Her brain rattled in her skull as she was shaken like a ragdoll. Somehow, she managed to hold on to the wheel and stomp on the brakes, sending her car skidding across the sandy desert before it stopped. The world spun around her as she leaned back, trying not to throw up. She closed her eyes.
What happened?
Before she could figure it out, the car door opened. There was a short ripping sound and Stella found herself yanked out of the driver’s seat. When she opened her eyes, she was blinded by bright lights.
“Who—stop!” She screamed as an arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her up in the air. “No!”
Stella twisted her body and jerked it back and forth, but the arm around her was like a steel band. Besides, she was still dizzy from the accident, and moving around only made the world spin harder.
“Get her in the trunk,” a low, raspy voice said.
She let out another scream as she was tossed into the trunk of a car. When she tried to get up, pain exploded up her jaw on the right side of her face. Before she could protest or shout, another blow to the cheek sent her staggering back. The crack of bone had been unmistakable, and she curled up into a ball in agony.
Stella could only cry as the vehicle began to move. Who were these people? What did they want with her? What were they going to do to her?
Fear took over, and she imagined all the things they could do to her. Oh Lord, she would never see her parents again. Or Devon or Charley or her future niece or nephew. Or?—
A low rumble interrupted her thoughts, making her pause.
“It’s … you?” she coughed out.
Another rumble, one she translated as a yes.
Her imaginary friend.
Her wolf.
A warm, pleased emotion spread across her chest. As if it had been waiting for a long time to be acknowledged. Something—like a hand—prodded and pushed at her, telling her to get up.
Bracing her palms on the floor of the dirty trunk, she pushed herself up on her elbows. Blinking, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dark. She let out a gasp as her surroundings appeared in front of her. It wasn’t like a light switched on and everything was clear. But she could make out shapes in the dark—better than she usually could.
She felt another push.
I can’t get up, this place is too small.
Another emotion rushed at her—urgency, but also encouragement. Like her wolf was telling her not to give up.
She blew out a breath, wincing as her cheekbone throbbed. But she ignored it for now.
Concentrate … how can I get out of here?
An idea popped into her head. She recalled that modern cars had some sort of emergency release lever in case anyone got trapped in the trunk. It took her only a few seconds to locate it right by the lip. Holding her breath, she pulled on it and felt the latch give, and air rushed into the trunk..
This was it. Now or never.
They weren’t going at breakneck speed, but it was still fast enough that Stella’s heart pounded in her chest as terror filled her at the prospect of what she had to do. There was only one way out of this, but it wasn’t going to be easy, and she could get hurt.
Still, it probably didn’t compare to what those men might have planned for her.
And so, she jumped.