Page 8 of Saving Stella
“If the DNA test is negative, then there’s nothing more to do. If it is positive, then my client would very much like to meet you, but only if you want to.”
“If I want to?”
“They don’t want to force a relationship if you’re unwilling. And there is one last thing.”
“And what is that?”
Laying his elbows on the table, he steepled his fingers together. “My client wants you to know that they understand if you wish to be left alone and prefer not to know about your biological family. Taking the test is optional. Just say the word, and you’ll never hear from me or my client.” Taking his phone out of his pocket, he tapped on the screen. “However, they asked me to read you this message. Would you like to hear it?”
Her mouth went dry, and she nodded.
Taking out his glasses from his pocket, he put them on and began to read. “Ms. Lennon—I understand that The Reverend and Mrs. Lennon raised you to be the person you are today. I don’t wish to intrude in your life. I would be content for the rest of my life knowing you grew up with loving parents who nurtured and cared for you.”
She sat there for what seemed like forever, unable to move or speak. This was perhaps one of the biggest decisions in her life. For many adoptees, it would be a dream come true.
However, it could also be a life-altering decision. The truth could be anything—good, bad, or even catastrophic. Once she opened this can of worms, she wouldn’t be able to close it again.
Would she be able to cope with the truth?
“Take all the time you need, Ms. Lennon.” Mr. Owens stood up. “You have my card. I’m heading back to the airport to take the next flight out, but feel free to contact me any time.”
Time seemed to slow as the lawyer made his way to the exit, and she considered her options.
She had been a winner in the lottery of life—amazing parents, happy childhood, and while she had her own issues, her life was generally great. All she wanted was to live a quiet life, content with what she had.
That rumble from inside her chest returned, and before she knew it, she had shot to her feet. “Mr. Owens!”
Mr. Owens had just reached the door when he turned around, then swiftly walked back to her. “Ms. Lennon?”
“Yes,” she said. “I want to do this.”
* * *
The last two weeks of Stella’s life had been a whirlwind. After her meeting with Mr. Owens, the first thing she did was call her parents. Momma and Papa had been her support, her rock her entire life, so she wanted to hear their opinion and assure them that no matter what the results were, they would always be her parents.
“Of course, Stella,” Momma had replied. “And you’ll always be our daughter, no matter what.”
“The Good Lord gave you to us,” Papa had added. “You have been a blessing in our lives, and for that, we will be forever grateful.”
And while most people might think her parents were unsophisticated small-town folk, the Reverend and Mrs. Lennon were much shrewder and smarter than most people gave them credit for. They had helped Stella hire her own lawyer to guide her through the process and protect her interests. Aside from Mr. Owens’s client’s private test, they hired their own DNA lab to double-check the results.
Which had turned out to be a positive match.
The next step was to reveal the identity of Stella’s relative. According to Mr. Owens, his client wished that the lawyer be present when she read the complete DNA test results.
“Thank you for signing the NDA, Ms. Lennon,” Mr. Owens said as he put the papers away into his briefcase, then retrieved a white envelope. “Are you ready?”
She sat between her parents on their comfy living room couch across from the lawyer as this time, he’d traveled all the way to her parents’ house in Keywoods, a small town about two hours from Las Vegas. She had wanted to be with her parents when she found out the identity of her biological relative.
Surprisingly, Stella’s hands were steady and her heartbeat was normal as Mr. Owens put the envelope into her hand. Her fingers didn’t even shake as she opened it and retrieved the official-looking papers. “Fenrir Research and Labs conducted the test … ninety-nine percent chance that both subjects share the same biological mother and father …” She scrolled down to the bottom of the page where she saw her name under “Subject A.” Next to it, under “Subject B” was another name.
“Devon Hale?” Stella’s breath hitched.
“Yes,” Mr. Owens said. “The test proves that Devon Hale is your brother.”
The blood rushing to Stella’s ears nearly deafened her. “The D-Devon Hale?”