Page 22 of Breaker
My girl has been through something, but what, I don't know….
I slowly run my fingers through my girl's hair as she sleeps. Her head is on my chest, her leg is thrown over my waist, and her hand is on my heart.
Fuck, this is the best feeling in the world.
I get the meaning of my dad's words. I understand them, and the feeling Crow said he felt for Momma, that urge to have her near always. I know I've met my one; now I need to convince her I’m hers.
I place my nose on the top of her head, and I’m inhaling her vanilla scent, trying to figure out how to keep her settled with me without scaring her off when my phone buzzes. I furrow my brows when I see it's past eleven in the evening. I carefully grab my phone, concerned it's about Noah.
I grin when I look at the screen, see the caller ID, and quickly answer it.
"Well, if it isn't the world's best NICU nurse," I say, making her laugh.
"Not yet I'm not," she replies.
I hum, slowly moving my fingers up and down my girl's back. "But you will be, so don't doubt yourself, Ken, you're pushing yourself to greatness. I know you're probably tired, but you're doing good, I promise. And the fact they chose you for that job proves how amazing you are."
She sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to put myself down, I swear. It's been a hard day."
I furrow my brows at her sadness and plead, "Talk to me, Kennedy….”
She sniffles, and I tense, causing Quinn to stir. I move my hand back to her hair, running my fingers through it, making her settle.
After a moment, Ken says, "We lost a preemie today, and it was hard. It's the first baby I've lost since being here, and I guess I just miss home. I miss you and Noah and Lola."
I sigh. "I'm sorry, Ken…. It's a tough job, a job I know you can do because you’re fucking awesome. And maybe try giving Lola a call? I know she misses you and she’s hurt you haven't called. And if you're homesick, I'll pack Noah up and come see you, I'll even bring my girl for you to meet."
I grin as I add Quinn in at the end and wait for Ken’s reaction. Every time we've spoken, it's been a rush. Either she's on her way to work, or I'm at the strip club working. Noah talks to her the most. Sniper told me she hasn’t been in contact with him much lately, but I know it's because she's been busy. He believes she wants to cut ties with us, but she doesn't, well, she does with Doc, but that's about it.
My cousin has gone through hell, and as far as I'm concerned, Doc can fuck off. He's a brother and my friend, but he's not good enough for Ken, and I've told him several times to his fucking face since punching him.
"I can't call Lola. I refuse to make her choose between me and her brother. I regret even telling her about us, and I would love for you and Noah to come here, even just for the weekend, and to meet…." She pauses a moment before whispering, "Did you just say you have a woman?"
I grin, placing my nose against my girl's head and admitting lowly, "I have. It turns out Noah decided I suited his teacher."
Kennedy gasps. "Oh my God! You and Quinn Sanders, really?"
I chuckle. "Yeah, little cuz. I took one look at her and knew she was supposed to be mine. Tonight, she finally agreed to move out of the dating zone and become official, though I do believe I have a fight on my hands to keep her."
Kennedy hums and states, "Quinn is amazing. She went to school with Violet, Lola, and me. She always kept to herself, but she was sweet and kind of closed off. I think something happened that traumatized her and caused her not to want to commit to anyone, even in friendship. The number of boys she told to get lost was unbelievable. Please don't give up on her, Alex. She'll push you away; I saw it a lot in school. You need to show her that you're willing to fight, unlike everyone else in her life."
I nod, grateful for her words, and say, "I miss you…." to her as Quinn moves her head, looking up at me. I smile at the sleepy look she's supporting.
Fuck me, she's beautiful.
Kennedy chuckles. "You miss my wisdom, huh?"
I smile as I trace Quinn's lips. She furrows her brows at the phone, most likely because she can hear the woman on the other end.
I hum and admit, "Of course, I miss your wisdom. You got me out of a lot of shit growing up." Kennedy laughs, and I smile as I put the phone on speaker. "Say hi to my girl, Ken…."
She chuckles again. "Hi Quinn, how's that boy of mine doing? Is he as smart as me?"
Quinn grins wide and says sleepily, "Well, up until a month ago, he was getting in-between me and any man that would speak to me. And right before his dad asked me out, he poured paint over a teacher’s pants, who then slipped, and Noah decided to pour the paint over the teacher’s head, too. He'd asked me out for drinks, and Noah disagreed, but he's definitely smart, maybe Violet smart. Though, with his pranks, we need to watch him."
Kennedy is silent for a moment before she cackles down the phone, making me shake my head as Quinn's body shakes with silent laughter.
Yeah, she can laugh about it now, but when my son was pulling pranks, she struggled to keep her composure, needing to act professionally.