Page 61 of Breaker
I kiss her neck several times before nipping her jaw, and then place my lips against hers, kissing her hard.
I grip my fingers in her hair as I break the kiss, and rasp, "Don't ever fucking do that again."
Her tears fall, and she croaks, "Noah…."
But I shake my head. "I would die without you! I would fucking die without you!"
She lets out a sob. "But I need you."
I shake my head and kiss her again, then whisper, "And I need you," before kissing her harder.
I can never go through that horror and pain again, I just can't.
I run my fingers through Quinn’s hair as she sleeps. Noah’s screams for her run through my head, haunting me.
I’m currently sitting up in her bed in the hospital room at the club, and her head is on my chest. Doc’s been in a few times, keeping a close eye on her, and Paul…well, he wanted to stay, but his wife came looking for him after fucking Becky informed her that he was coming here. She’d overheard him telling his receptionist to hold all calls.
When she came asking for him, Crystal, a clubwhore, accidentally told her about Quinn, not realizing who she was speaking to, and shit hit the fan. It took Jack and Paul to drag her away screaming, all while Crystal looked horrified.
Paul called several times to check in with Doc. He’s ensuring I focus on Quinn, so he’s forbade his wife from contacting me. According to Jack, that didn’t go down well, but I don’t give a shit. I know she’s her mother, but she hasn’t spoken to her in weeks, and she needs to respect her daughter’s feelings right now.
I sigh, pressing my nose against my girl’s head. Noah came in about an hour ago with Crow. Quinn had just fallen asleep, so he laid with her until he fell asleep. I squeeze my eyes shut, the image of my girl’s pale face as she rolled off Noah hitting me hard. The door opens. I look to see Tats and Sniper.
They both gaze at my girl for a few minutes before Tats rasps, “Are you ready, brother?”
I swallow hard and look down at Quinn, not wanting to leave her, but Sniper murmurs, “Liv and Vi are coming to sit with her. Kennedy will be on the phone as well. She won’t be alone, brother, and this, this must be done by you.”
I nod, knowing he’s right. I mean, it’s in our bylaws, and all that fucking shit.
Jingles gave birth to my child, which means she’s my responsibility, a fucking responsibility I never even wanted but was forced to have.
I press my nose on top of my girl’s head, inhaling deeply before kissing her head, hating that I have to leave her. It took Crow twenty minutes to convince me to allow him and Momma to take Noah to their place.
I need my family in my sight….
Very slowly, I slide from underneath her, and put a pillow in my place so she doesn’t roll onto her shoulder, then I gently move her hair out of her face, watching her intently.
“We’re here, Breaker,” Liv whispers, and I nod, but I still don’t want to leave her. I always want my eyes on her. The thought of losing her completely terrified me. Now I understand her fears of consumption, because…seeing her get shot…I felt like I wanted to follow her, which is selfish because I have a son—we have a son, and, hopefully, another one on the way.
Fuck, she’s going to kill me when she realizes I switched out her birth control pills.
Taking a deep breath, I lean down and kiss my girl’s head, lingering momentarily before whispering, “I won’t be long, Goldie. I love you.”
Standing, I crack my neck then walk to the door. Each lady kisses my cheek, and the brothers follow behind me, ready to dish out some just desserts.
No one fucking hurts my family.
When I walk into the outhouse, I make eye contact with Jingles, who instantly pisses herself. Gone is the fun-loving dad, and in his place is an animal who doesn’t give a shit that she’s a woman, and she can see it.
“P-Please, Breaker….”
I ignore her pleas and walk over to my prez. His expression is cold as I hand him my cut, before I go to the bench to look over the tools.
Normally, we don’t torture women; it’s against our beliefs. Even Suzy got off lightly, a knife to her throat, after finding out she planned to help a gang take our profits. Right now is no different. My plan is to scare her enough for her to tell us the reason for her freakout before I slit her throat. We brothers are not stupid. Something scared Jingles into her fucked up actions, and I don’t believe she was actually going to shoot Noah. Her aim was off, but my girl didn’t know that; her momma instincts kicked in.